The City of Bloomingdale's Code of Ordinances is now available online. You can access Bloomingdale's ordinances by clicking on the website listed below. Under the "Frequently Used" column at the Muni-code website, click on "Online Library (free)". Then click on the "State of Georgia" and choose "Bloomingdale Code of Ordinances". To view the City of Bloomingdale's Code of Ordinances click here: NOTE: NEW ORDINANCES AND/OR AMENDMENTS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AFTER JULY 1, 2008 ARE LISTED BELOW. COPIES OF THESE ORDINANCES CAN BE OBTAINED VIA AN OPEN RECORDS REQUEST FROM THE BLOOMINGDALE CITY HALL:
*The following information is a brief outline of new ordinances and/or amendments to the Code of Ordinances of the City of Bloomingdale after July 1, 2008. The City is in the process of updating the Code of Ordinances to include these new ordinances and/or amendments. Copies can be obtained via an Open Records Request from the Bloomingdale City Hall:
1) An ordinance requiring emergency pre-incident planning as a precedent to the issuance of an occupational license or the retaining of an occupational license - Adopted 8-21-08
2) An ordinance requiring any and all professional fees, review costs, and all other fees or costs associated with the development of property which is incurred by the City of Bloomingdale which results from the property owner or developer submitting a development plan or request for change of zoning, shall be paid by the property owner or developer - Adopted 8-21-08
3) An ordinance allocating the distribution of funds received for payment of utility fees and fire fees billed by the City of Bloomingdale as follows: 1) outstanding arrearage, late charges or overdue fees; 2) fire fees; 3) water fees; 4) sewage fees; 5) garbage fees; and 6) payment of penalties or late fees assessed for the month in which the utility fees were incurred - Adopted 8-21-08
4) The updated Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance - Adopted 9-18-08
5) A City of Bloomingdale Tree Ordinance for the preservation, planting and replacement of trees and to prevent the indiscriminate removal of trees and reduction of canopy over within the City - Adopted 11-6-08
6) An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances to provide a new article entitled Identity Theft Prevention Program to comply with federal regulations relating to address discrepancies and to comply with federal regulations relating to red flags and identity theft - Adopted 11-6-08
7) An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances to provide fines for failure to remove garbage carts out of public rights of way and public easements within 24 hours of the scheduled date of collection of the garbage - Adopted 6-18-09
8) An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances to change Section 2-108 (5) of the Ethics Ordinance to read "Mayor and City Council" rather than City Clerk - Adopted 9-17-09
9) An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances to change Chapter 6 Entitled Alcoholic Beverages to create, replace, and amend certain sections to include the minimum limits as imposed by Georgia State Law - Adopted 5-20-10
10) An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances to change Chapter 62, Solid Waste, Section 62-9 (a) to add the words "garbage fees" that was inadvertently left out of this section when the Code of Ordinances were updated in 2008 - Adopted 5-20-10
11) An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances to change Appendix A - Zoning, Article XVI. Schedule of Fees, Section 1600. List (b) by adding the words "per parcel" after "fee of $100.00" - Adopted 5-20-10
12) An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances to change Appendix A - Zoning, Article IV. General Provisions, Section 411(a) Planned Development Overlay District (PDOD) by adding time limits for development - Adopted 5-20-10
13) An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances by deleting Chapter 34 - Environment, Article III. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance in its entirety and replacing it with Exhibit "A", an updated Soil and Sedimentation Ordinance - Adopted 6-17-10
14) An ordinance to amend the Code or Ordinances by deleting Chapter 78 - Utilities, Article V. Stormwater Management Ordinance in its entirety and replacing it with Exhibit "A" an updated Stormwater Management Ordinance - Adopted 6-17-10
15) An ordinance to amend the Code of Ordinances by making changes to Chapter 34 - Environment, Article III. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance as adopted on June 17, 2010 - Adopted 10-7-10
16) An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances to revise the standards for outdoor water of landscape to include state regulations allowing outdoor watering of landscape between the hours of 4:00pm and 10:00am with certain exceptions - Adopted 12-2-10
17) An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinance to adopt a new section, Chapter 28, Article I Commercial Soft Tissue or Manipulation (CSTTOM) Massage to provide regulations for the operation of said businesses - Adopted 1-6-11
18) An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances to adopt a new section Chapter 28, Article II Massage Parlors to provide regulations for the operation of said businesses - Adopted 1-6-11
19) An ordinance to amend Chapter 28, Article II Massage Parlor Ordinance to make some changes for clarification purposes and to help to expedite the application process - Adopted 1-20-11
20) An ordinance to amend the "List of Permissible and Conditional Uses" of the Zoning Ordinance to add a solar power field/supply business as a "conditional use" in agricultural and industrial zones - Adopted 2-17-11
21) An ordinance to amend Chapter 46 - "Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions", Article IV. False Alarms to address the responding of the fire department to false alarms; the appeal of an assessment of a false alarm service fee to be directed to the City Administrator rather than the chief of police; and to amend the Fee Schedule Policy to add false alarm service fees for buildings over 39, 999 sq. ft. ranging in cost from $150 per call to $225 per call with no charge for the first three false alarms within a calendar year - Adopted 4-07-11
22) An ordinance to create Article III Entitled Smoking Ban within City of Bloomingdale Parks/Community Building - Adopted May 19, 2011
Fee Schedule Policy*
*The Mayor and City Council adopted a "Fee Schedule Policy" in conjunction with the adoption of the City of Bloomingdale Code of Ordinances. The schedule covers the fees and/or policies in effect as of November 16, 2004 and all amendments as of June 16, 2011.
The Mayor and City Council adopted the FY 2010/2011 budget on September 16, 2010. The following information outlines the rate increases with the November 1, 2010 billing:
Residential & Commercial – increase of $.75 per month on base rates and $1.00 per month per extra cart.
Increase in residential & commercial water base rates of $.50, plus increase in the gallons used rate as follows:
First 3,000 gallons or less $16.50 residential; $18.50 commercial
3,001 – 10,000 gallons 2.00 per 1,000 gallons, plus base rate
10,001 – 15,000 gallons 2.50 per 1,000 gallons, plus base rate
15,001 – 20,000 gallons 3.00 per 1,000 gallons, plus base rate
20,001 – 25,000 gallons 3.50 per 1,000 gallons, plus base rate
25,001 – 30,000 gallons 4.00 per 1,000 gallons, plus base rate
30,001 & over 4.50 per 1,000 gallons, plus base rate
Increase in residential sewer base rate of $.50, plus increase in the gallons used rate as follows:
-0- $18.50
1-20,000 gallons 3.00 per 1,000 gallons
20,001 gallons & over 4.00 per 1,000 gallons
Increase in commercial sewer base rate of $.50, plus increase in gallons used rate as follows:
-0- $24.50
1-10,000 gallons 4.50 per 1,000 gallons
10,001 gallons & over 5.25 per 1,000 gallons
Increase from $35.00 to $39.50 per month for Sewer only Customers
At the February 18, 2010 meeting, City Council approved an amendment to the Fee Schedule Policy to allow for individual citizens to receive a reduction of $1.00 per month for their sanitation fees provided the fees are paid, in full, one year in advance.
The $1.00 per month reduction will continue each year thereafter provided the clerk's office receives full payment of sanitation fees for sanitation services from January thru December, in advance, by January 15th of each year. Note: Since sanitation fees are billed after service is rendered, the January 1st bill is actually for December service, so if you include the January 1st bill in your advance payment, you must pay a total of thirteen months to receive the $1.00 per month reduction.
If you have any questions, please contact the clerk's office at 748-0970!
"Update on Drainage Plans”
Plans for construction of Phase II of the project are underway. Survey crews are currently working in the City in preparation for the design work on Phase II. We appreciate the patience shown by our citizens during the construction phase of Phase I and look forward to working with you during Phase II of the plan.
Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung, consulting engineers, will be conducting field surveys within the City of Bloomingdale in relation to storm drainage design and improvements. The work will generally be within the street rights of way but there will be the need for the surveyor to enter onto private property for locations of features or the placement of stakes, pins or markers. Impacts on the private properties from this work will be minimized. Your cooperation with the personnel conducting these surveys and in protecting the markers set will be greatly appreciated. If you have questions or comments concerning these surveys, please contact one of the following:
Steve Waters or Mike Sims
Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung
Survey Department
On July 1, 2008, the City Council adopted an ordinance creating a City of Bloomingdale Fire Department. In the past, the City’s fire protection had been through a contract with the Bloomingdale Volunteer Fire Department. For the last couple of years discussions have been held regarding the creation of a City fire department. Fire Chief Tyler and members of the Bloomingdale Volunteer Fire Department have been part of these discussions and after several months of negotiations, agreements were reached on property, equipment, and personnel issues. On May 27, 2008, a public hearing was held to receive citizen input on the City’s plans for providing fire protection for the citizens.
The creation of the City of Bloomingdale Fire Department will allow the City to provide better fire protection services to its citizens. The City will have a paid full-time Fire Chief. Plans are currently underway to provide a new facility for our fire department and improvements in equipment for our firefighters are included in this year’s budget. SPLOST funds will be available for use on capital improvements for the fire department in the future.
With the increasing costs related to providing adequate fire protection, the City had to seek a source of revenue for these expenses. The City Council felt the implementation of a fire protection user fee would be the best way to distribute the costs related to fire protection. On July 1, 2008, the City adopted an ordinance creating monthly fees for fire protection and an ordinance allowing the fees to be billed on the same monthly invoice on which water, sewer, and/or garbage services are billed. The flat fire protection fees are as follows:
Single family residences $ 8.00 per month*
*Rate only applies when owner is 65 years of age or older and resides at the residence. (Adopted 5-7-09)
Single family residences $ 6.00 per month**
**Rate only applies when the assessed value of residence is $20,000 or less. Owner must provide proof of assessed value to the City. (Adopted 5-7-09)
Single family residences $12.00 per month
Commercial up to 3,000 sq. ft. * $15.00 per month
Commercial 3,001 to 10,000 sq. ft. * $30.00 per month
Commercial 10,000 sq. ft. * $30.00 per month plus $1.00 for
every additional 1,000 sq. ft. or
portion thereof.
*Commercial rates, which includes churches, amended by council on August 21, 2008
Since the City does not have a record of the age of each account holder, we will need your help in determining which single-family residential rate you should be charged. If the water, sewer, and/or garbage service is in your name, you live at the residence, and you are over 65, please provide the City with verification of this information so an adjustment can be made in the fire protection user fee being charged to your account.
If you are a commercial customer and you feel that you are not being billed in the appropriate square footage category, please contact us so we can discuss this with you.
Fire Chief Tyler has advised the Mayor and City Council that the regulations for fire departments have become much more stringent in the last couple of years. The fire department is scheduled for an ISO inspection in the near future and Fire Chief Tyler is working with the City, the volunteers, and staff to make sure that we are able to maintain, if not improve, our fire rating. A reduction in the City’s fire rating will result in a direct benefit to our citizens since your fire insurance rates are based on the rating of the fire department providing your fire protection.
The City encourages your support in the effort to make improvements to our current fire protection services and we look forward to making our fire department one of the best in the area.
“Holiday Schedules”
The City Hall will be closed on the following dates:
July 4, 2011
September 5, 2011
November 24 & 25, 2011
December 26, 2011
January 2, 2012
“City Council Meeting Schedule”
City Council meetings are held at the Bloomingdale City Hall on the first and third Thursdays of each month, except during the summer months when only one meeting is held. The dates for the next several meetings are as follows:
July 21, 2011
August 18, 2011
September 15, 2011
The council holds pre-agenda meetings at 6:30pm in the conference room adjacent to the general offices. The council meeting starts at 7:00pm and is held in the council/court room. If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact the City Hall at 748-0970.
**NOTICE: Effective with the September 16, 2010 council meeting, all matters for discussion and/or consideration by the City Council must be submitted, in writing, to the City Hall by 5:00pm the Wednesday the week before a council meeting to be placed on the City Council agenda. This new deadline was adopted by council on June 17, 2010.
"Planning & Zoning Commission Schedule"
The Planning & Zoning Commission meetings are held on the second Tuesday * of each month at 7:00pm at the Bloomingdale City Hall located at #8 West Hwy 80.
July 12, 2011
August 16, 2011
NOTE: All matters for discussion and/or consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission must be submitted, in writing, to City Hall a minimum of twenty (20) days prior to the date of their meeting. This deadline was requested by the commission and approved by council on August 21, 2003.
*Changed from 3rd Tuesday to 2nd Tuesday effective January, 2007
"Bloomingdale Community Building & Community Park Rental Information"
The Bloomingdale Community Building located at #202 E. Moore Street is available for rent seven days a week by the City of Bloomingdale. The building contains a full kitchen, bathroom facilities, an ice machine and a piano. Some tables and chairs are also available. The building must be rented for full days on Saturdays and Sundays, but can be rented by the hour with a minimum rental period of three hours on Mondays through Fridays. Rental fees are as follows: Residents-$40.00 per hour (minimum 3 hrs), Monday through Friday; Saturday and Sunday rentals-$150.00 per day. (Note: You must live within the City limits of Bloomingdale to qualify as a resident) Non-residents-$50.00 per hour (minimum 3 hrs), Monday through Friday; Saturday and Sunday rental-$200 per day. A signed rental agreement with payment of the appropriate rental fees is required to hold the building. The agreement must be executed by the person who will be responsible for the building and the rental fees are based on where they reside. A cash key deposit of $50 is required at the time a key to the building is released to the renter. If alcoholic beverages will be consumed at the event an additional $200 deposit is required. The deposit will be returned to the renter provided there is no damage to the building or the grounds and everything is left clean. No alcoholic beverages allowed outside of the community building. No smoking or use of tobacco products permitted inside the building and no smoking or use of tobacco products permitted outside the building except in clearly marked and designated smoking areas.
The Bloomingdale Community Park Pavilion located at Poplar & Moore Streets is also available for rent seven days a week from the City of Bloomingdale. The park has a covered pavilion with picnic tables and benches, grills, and bathroom facilities. The park must be rented by the day. Rental fees are as follows: Residents-$50.00 per day (Note: You must live within the City limits of Bloomingdale to qualify as a resident). Non-Residents - $75.00 per day. A signed rental agreement with payment of the appropriate rental fees is required to hold the pavilion. The agreement must be executed by the person who will be responsible for the rental of the pavilion and the rental fees are based on where they reside. A cash key deposit of $50 is required at the time a key to the bathroom facilities is released to the renter. The deposit will be returned to the renter provided there is no damage to the park, pavilion, equipment, or bathrooms and everything, including the grounds, is left clean. No alcoholic beverages are allowed at the Bloomingdale Community Park & No smoking or use of tobacco products allowed at the park except in clearly marked and designated smoking areas.
The Bloomingdale Community Park and Pavilion is available for use by the public, free of charge, provided it has not been reserved.
If you would like more information about the building or are interested in checking on the availability of a specific date, please contact the City Hall at: 748-0970.
“Rules for Outdoor Water Use”
The City of Bloomingdale was recently notified by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources that at its regular meeting on May 26, 2004, the Board adopted RULES FOR OUTDOOR WATER USE, Chapter 391-3-30. Under the new rules, Georgians will be required to follow schedules for outdoor water use during both non-drought periods and during periods of declared drought. There are some exemptions to these rules, including newly installed landscapes, golf courses and commercial uses. The following information outlines the rules as adopted by the Board of Natural Resources. You can find information on proper outdoor watering procedures as outlined by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources at Copies of this information are also available at City Hall for those citizens who do not have access to the internet.
The City of Bloomingdale realizes the importance of protecting this most valuable natural resource and encourages everyone to do their part in conserving water. If you have any questions, you can contact the City Hall at 748-0970.
Rules of
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Protection Division
Chapter 391-3-30
Outdoor Water Use
Table of Contents
391-3-30-.01 Definitions
391-3-30-.02 Applicability of Rule
391-3-30-.03 Outdoor Water Use Schedule During Non-Drought Periods
391-3-30-.04 Outdoor Water Use Schedule During Declared Drought Response Levels
391-3-30-.05 Exemptions
391-3-30-.06 Local and Regional Options
391-3-30-.01 Definitions
When used in this Chapter:
(1) “Address” means the “house number” (a numeric or alphanumeric designation) that, together with the street name, describes a physical location of a specific property. “Even numbered address” means a house number ending with the number 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, or no house number. “Odd numbered address” means a house number ending with the number 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.
(2) “Declared Drought Response Level” means one of four levels of drought that can be declared based on the severity of drought conditions, with one being the least severe and four being the most severe.
391-3-30-.02 Applicability of Rule
These rules apply to any entity, and its customers, permitted by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) for water withdrawal or for operation of a drinking water system.
391-3-30-.03 Outdoor Water Use Schedule During Non-Drought Period
(1) Outdoor water use other than exempted activities shall occur only as follows:
(a) Odd-numbered addresses: outdoor water use is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.
(b) Even-numbered addresses: outdoor water use is allowed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.
391-3-30-.04 Outdoor Water Use Schedule During Declared Drought Response Levels
(1) The Director of the Environmental Protection Division is authorized to make drought declarations.
(2) During declared drought conditions, outdoor water use other than activities exempted in 391-3-30-.05, shall occur only during scheduled hours on scheduled days.
(3) Declared Drought Response Level One – Outdoor water use may occur on scheduled days within the hours of 12:00 midnight to 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight.
(a) Scheduled days for odd-numbered addresses are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
(b) Scheduled days for even-numbered addresses are Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.
(c) Use of hydrants for any purpose other than firefighting, public health, safety or flushing is prohibited.
(4) Declared Drought Response Level Two – Outdoor water use may occur on scheduled days within the hours of 12:00 midnight to 10:00 a.m.
(a) Scheduled days for odd-numbered addresses are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.
(b) Scheduled days for even-numbered addresses and golf course fairways are Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.
(c) The following uses are prohibited:
(1) Using hydrants for any purpose other than firefighting, public health, safety or flushing.
(2) Washing hard surfaces, such as streets, gutters, sidewalks and driveways except when necessary for public health and safety.
(5) Declared Drought Response Level Three – Outdoor water use may occur on the scheduled day within the hours of 12:00 midnight to 10:00 a.m.
(a) The scheduled day for odd-numbered addresses is Sunday.
(b) The scheduled day for even-numbered addresses and golf course fairways is Saturday.
(c) The following uses are prohibited:
(1) Using fire hydrants for any purpose other than firefighting, public health, safety or flushing.
(2) Washing hard surfaces, such as streets, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, except when necessary for public health and safety.
(3) Filling installed swimming pools except when necessary for health care or structural integrity.
(4) Washing vehicles, such as cars, boats, trailers, motorbikes, airplanes, golf carts.
(5) Washing buildings or structures except for immediate fire protection.
(6) Non-commercial fund-raisers, such as car washes.
(7) Using water or ornamental purposes, such as fountains, reflecting pools, and waterfalls except when necessary to support aquatic life.
(6) Declared Drought Response Level Four – No outdoor water use is allowed, other than activities exempted in 391-3-30-.05, or as the EPD Director may order.
391-3-30-.05 Exemptions
(1) This rule shall not apply to the following outdoor water uses:
(a) Capture and re-use of cooling system condensate or storm water in compliance with applicable local ordinances
(b) Re-use of gray water in compliance with applicable local ordinances
(2) The following established landscape water uses are exempt from the outdoor water use schedules of this rule.
(a) Use of reclaimed wastewater by a designated user from a system permitted by EPD to provide reclaimed wastewater,
(b) Irrigation of personal food gardens
(3) Newly (in placed less than thirty days) installed landscapes are subject to the following:
(a) Irrigation of newly installed landscapes is allowed any day of the week, but only during the allowed hours for the drought response level in effect, for a period of 30 days following installation. No watering is allowed during Drought Response Level Four.
(b) For new landscapes installed by certified or licensed professionals, commercial exemptions apply.
(4) The following golf course outdoor water uses are exempt from the outdoor water use schedules of this rule.
(a) Use of reclaimed wastewater by a designated user from a system permitted by EPD to provide reclaimed wastewater.
(b) Irrigation of fairways during times of non-drought and Declared Drought Response Level One.
(c) Irrigation of tees during times of non-drought and Declared Drought Response Levels One, Two and Three.
(d) Irrigation of greens.
(5) The following commercial outdoor water uses are exempt from the outdoor water use schedules of this rule.
(a) Professionally certified or licensed landscapers, golf course contractors, and sports turf landscapers: during installation and 30 days following installation only. Professional landscapers must be certified or licensed for commercial exemptions to apply.
(b) Irrigation contractors: during installation and as needed for proper maintenance and adjustments only.
(c) Sod producers.
(d) Ornamental growers.
(e) Fruit and vegetable growers.
(f) Retail garden centers.
(g) Hydro-seeding.
(h) Power-washing.
(i) Construction sites.
(j) Producers of food and fiber.
(k) Car washes.
(l) Other activities essential to daily business.
(m) Watering-in of pesticides and herbicides on turf.
391-3-30-.06 Local and Regional Options
(1) Local and regional water providers are authorized to implement additional outdoor water use restrictions within their jurisdictions. Action items to consider at the local/regional level include, but are not limited to, the following: developing system integration and interconnection to reduce drought vulnerability, placing additional water use restrictions on specific commercial uses, putting water conservation based rates in place (increasing block/summer surcharge) and placing additional restrictions on outdoor water use.
(2) Local and regional water providers may request approval of alternate days for outdoor water use for purposes or enforcement, peak water usage, timing of recovery days, and other valid reasons. Approval shall be contingent upon:
(a) Written notification to, and approval by, EPD of the alternate watering schedule; and
(b) Enactment or a local ordinance allowing no more than 3 days a week outdoor watering during time(s) of day consistent with the level of drought as set forth in sections 391-3-30-.03 and -.04 of this rule.
(c) Regional consistency.
The City of Bloomingdale has been advised by Chatham County that they are in the initial stages of planning the Jimmy Deloach Parkway - U.S. 80 intersection which will likely result in the future construction of an interchange at U.S. 80. The City has been encouraged to advise developers, possible buyers of property and builders involved in projects in the area of this information. If you should have any questions about the County's plans for the Jimmy Deloach Parkway, you should contact R. E. Abolt, County Manager or A.G. Bungard, County Engineer.
GFC urges Georgians to get burn permits!
As wildfire season begins, the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) has issued a statement reminding those who will be conducting outdoor burns that a permit is required for most types of outdoor burning.
Ken Stewart, GFC Director, said the permit process reduces the number of wildfires and saves the State hundreds of thousands of dollars in wildlife suppression costs. "Since the burn permit law was enacted in l988, wildfires have decreased by 31%. Still, in 2004 more than 2,000 of Georgia's 9,000 wildfires originated from non-permitted burns which resulted in over half a million dollars in suppression costs and needless loss of property and timber," Stewart said.
Georgia law provides that burning without a permit is a misdemeanor with fines up to $1,000. GFC may also collect suppression charges for uncontrolled fire including those for which a permit is not obtained. Georgia wildfires average 4.5 acres in size with a suppression cost of approximately $300 each. Costs escalate on larger fires and could result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in charges to the responsible party.
Alan Dozier, GFC Chief of Forest Protection, emphasized that obtaining a burn permit is simple. "All anyone has to do is call their local Georgia Forestry Commission office and request a permit for outdoor burning. Permits may also be obtained online by visiting the GFC website. If conditions are favorable and the local county unit agrees, a permit will be granted."
Notice: It is unlawful to burn man made materials such as tires, shingles, plastics, paper, materials, etc...PERMITS are issued only for natural vegetative materials; such as leaf piles and small limb piles (approximately 6'x6' or smaller); larger brush piles, and/or conducting acreage burns. Fires should not be initiated before 8:00 am and should be completely extinguished before dark. In highly populated areas burning should be conducted from 10:00 am until 30 minutes before dark.
*****Burning Permits Are Good Only For The Day They Were Issued!!! *****
The telephone number for the Local Georgia Forestry Unit is: 1-877-652-2876
NOTE: The City of Bloomingdale requests that once citizens have obtained their burn permit number that they call the City Hall at 912 748-0970 and give us your name, address, telephone number and burn permit number. This information will then be made available to the fire and police departments in the event of an emergency!
If you do, the City of Bloomingdale wants to hear from you. The City is in the process of registering all private wells, active and abandoned, that are located within its City limits. If you have a well on your property, please contact the City Hall at 748-0970 as soon as possible to register this information! If you are interested in re-opening an abandoned well for use in irrigation, washing of vehicles, and other similar non-household uses, the City is willing to waive any inspection fees you would be required to pay to the City to encourage you to do so. By re-opening the wells and making use of them for non-household purposes, you can help to reduce the use of the City's groundwater capacity. If you have any questions concerning the re-opening of abandoned wells or well registration, please call the City as soon as possible.
Leave, limbs, trash, etc. causing problems in drainage ditches....
The City maintenance crews continue to have problems with citizens putting leaves, limbs, and trash in the drainage ditches. The placement of these items in the ditches will not only cause drainage problems, but has the potential of polluting waters downstream. Citizens must not burn leaves and/or limbs in the ditches as this causes problems with drainage when the ashes and unburned debris washes into the culverts.
The following information outline serves as a reminder of the procedures that should be followed regarding the garbage pickup service:
The City of Bloomingdale contracts with Republic Waste Services, Inc. for household garbage pickup only. Trash service is not included in the contract. Do not place yard trash in the container or on the ground next to the garbage container. Trash, yard waste, and limbs should be placed in a different location away from the garbage container.
- All garbage must be placed inside of the garbage container not on the lid or on the ground next to the container. The driver will not pick up garage that is not placed in the assigned garbage container. Do not overload the container. If you find that you have more garbage on a regular basis than the container will hold, you should contact the City Hall—additional containers are available for a nominal monthly fee.
- Place the container with the lid opening towards the street. Containers must be placed at least two feet apart and side by side. Also, the container must be placed at least three (3) feet away from, and not behind, any parked vehicles, mail boxes, or other obstructions.
- Please place the container next to the street/roadway the evening prior to collection day or no later than 7:00am the day of collection.
- If your garbage is not picked up, you should contact the City Hall at 748-0970 as soon as possible so we can advise Republic Waste Services in a timely manner.
- The following information outlines the schedule for garbage cart pickups: Friday pickups include: All residences/businesses along Hwy 80, all residences/businesses along streets on the north side of Hwy 80, as well as, Osteen Rd., Howard Dr., and Ray & Patrick Streets located on the south side of Hwy 80. Thursday pickups include: The remainder of the residences/businesses in areas located on the south side of Hwy 80. Note: Godley Road customers will continue to have their garbage picked up on Mondays.
- All garbage cans should be removed from the City rights of way as soon as the possible after the can has been emptied.
If you have any questions regarding the garbage service or any of the information noted above, contact the City Hall at 748-0970.
The following information outlines the City’s current policies regarding dry trash pickup services:
Small items and amounts of debris, minimum accumulation of limbs….
City crews will continue to pick up small items and amounts of debris, as well as minimal accumulations of limbs for grinding at no charge. These items should be cut and baled, tied, bundled, stacked, packaged, or bagged in a neat and orderly manner. Do not place these items next to the garbage container. These items must be in lengths no greater than 3’ and/or weigh no more than 50 lbs. and loadable in 5 minutes or less. Dry trash will be picked up two to three days per week, but the scheduled days may vary due to other work projects.
Limbs suitable for grinding should be stacked on the shoulder of the road for the limb grinder. Do not place limbs next to the garbage container. Remember, only minimal accumulations of limbs will be handled at no charge. The limb grinder will continue to run on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month unless the volume of limbs or other work projects require an adjustment in the schedule. Limbs must be out by 8:00am to allow the supervisor time to evaluate the workload and schedule the route for the limb grinder.
Large tree branches, heavy brush, furniture, appliances ….
If you have other items, such as mattresses, appliances, furniture, and/or larger accumulations of limbs for grinding, special arrangements for collection must be made through the clerk’s office. Special fees shall be paid for debris collection or grinding services computed on the basis of crew hours required to make the collection or grind the limbs. The total fee will be based on the following: $25.00 for every fifteen (15) minutes required to load the debris or grind the limbs with a minimum cost of $25.00. After a determination by the supervisor of the amount of time required for removal of the debris or limbs, said fees must be paid, in advance, at the City Hall. Removal of these items will be scheduled according to the availability of staff and equipment.
Collection service will not be provided for some items ….
There will be no pick ups made by City crews for materials used in the construction or remodeling of buildings or resulting from the demolition of buildings. Neither will they pick up logs, stumps or limbs resulting from commercial or major tree trimming operations. Crews will not pick up explosive or flammable liquids and materials of other hazardous waste.
Trash truck available, at minimal charge, for cleanups, etc….
If you have large accumulations of remodeling debris, major tree trimming materials, or if you plan to do some “spring cleaning”, special arrangements can be made to bring the trash truck to you for the loading of the debris. The trash truck is only available on a limited basis during the week, but is usually available for weekend use. The trash truck can be used by individuals and/or churches for a fee of $25 plus the cost to dump the debris. A $200 deposit must be paid when the truck is reserved and the fees will be deducted from the deposit as soon as the truck is emptied and the tonnage cost determined. If the total cost is more than the $200 deposit, the customer must pay the balance immediately after notification. An agreement will be prepared for the customer to sign prior to the delivery of the truck. PLEASE NOTE: There are some items that cannot be loaded on the truck such as tires, batteries, paint, explosives, flammable liquids and materials and other hazardous waste.
EPD allows some open burning for leaves, limbs….
The City has been advised by the EPD that an individual can burn any limbs, leaves or straw from trees or bushes on their property, but you are required to obtain a burn permit from the Georgia Forestry Department. Permits can be obtained by calling 748-4924. Remember, this only covers natural vegetation, not other household rubbish or garbage. These items cannot be burned in ditches or drainage canals as this causes problems with area drainage!
Citizens can use the county landfill on Kelly Hill Rd....
The nearest county drop-off center is located on Kelly Hill Road (next to Carolyn’s florist on Hwy 80) in Garden City. There is currently no charge for the use of the landfill by individuals. The landfill is open from 8:00am until 5:00pm, Tuesdays through Saturdays. The landfill contains large dumpsters for yard waste, iron, metal, bulky items, such as appliances, couches, chairs, etc., but no household garbage, paint, batteries, tires or asbestos are permitted. Recycling bins are also available at this location for aluminum and glass containers.
NOTE: “Dry Trash” is defined as rubbish including waste paper, cartons, boxes, wood, tree branches, yard trimmings, furniture, appliances, metals, glass, construction and demolition wastes and similar materials, but not food containers or contaminated materials.
Recycling bins are available for newspaper, aluminum cans,
metal goods, used motor & hydraulic oil….
The City of Bloomingdale would like to stress to our citizens the importance of recycling, both as a means of reducing our waste stream and also as something good for the environment. Just as a reminder, we have listed the locations of recycling bins in Bloomingdale:
NEWSPAPERS: The Boy Scouts continue to have a collection bin for newspapers in the paved parking lot at the corner of Broughton Street and Hwy 80. A second bin, located at the Bloomingdale Elementary School benefits the Bloomingdale P.T.A. Please note: Only newspapers should be placed in these bins.
ALUMINUM CANS: A collection bin, for aluminum drink cans, provided by the Bloomingdale Lions Club, is located on Adams Road behind the caboose. Proceeds are used for projects sponsored by the Lions Club. Please note: Citizens are requested to use plastic bags for the collection of the cans.
USED MOTOR AND HYDRAULIC OIL: The City of Bloomingdale offers its citizens an environmentally safe way to get rid of their used motor and hydraulic oil. Citizens can bring the used oil, in a sealed, disposable container, to the City's Maintenance Shop located at #7 Adams Road on Monday through Friday from 8:00am until 4:00pm and the City will dispose of this recyclable material. This service is offered at no charge to our citizens. Joining us in this recycling effort and help keep these waste materials out of our ditches and canals.
METAL GOODS: A container for the collection of metal goods is located inside the gate at the Bloomingdale Maintenance Shop at #7 Adams Road. Citizens can dispose of metal goods at this location between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm. This bin is for metal only, so all plastic, glass, wood or rubber must be removed from the items prior to placing them in this container. All Freon, gas, oil, and/or grease must also be removed.
The City stockpiles the woodchips that accumulate from the limb grinding service and these are available to our citizens at no charge from the maintenance yard located at #7 Adams Road between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm. The maintenance department can load your pickup truck with the chips if the backhoe is available.
The Georgia Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Act requires the City of Bloomingdale to develop a strategy for reducing the amount of solid waste going into landfills and other disposal facilities. This reduction may be accomplished by many techniques, including recycling materials such as plastic, newspaper and aluminum. It can also be accomplished by diverting yard waste from disposal facilities into backyard or other composting operations. Many other methods for reducing our local waste stream are also available. Most of these methods involve your cooperation and effort. If you are interested in information about what you can do to help, please contact Sandra Jones, City Clerk, #8 West Hwy 80, P.O. Box 216, Bloomingdale, GA. 31302, 912 748-0970, Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm. The Act also requires all local governments to disclose to its citizens the full cost of providing solid waste management services. This and other required information is provided in the notice below.
Fiscal Year 7/1/09 – 6/30/10
Estimated Population – 2665
Full Cost $491,104
Less Revenues -215,228
*General Fund Revenue Supplement (43.8% of Full cost Funded by User Fees)
Tons of waste disposed 1704
Total cost per ton $288
Total cost per person $184
"Important Information - Grinder Pumps"
As a notice to our new residents and a reminder to those who have been around awhile, when your electric power is OFF to your house, your grinder pump will not operate. You must avoid using water during a power outage as the grinder pump tank will only hold about 45 gallons of wastewater and continued use of water may cause wastewater to back up into the house or flow into the yard through the vent pipe. If the electric power goes out, the City will probably have water, HOWEVER, you must keep water usage to a bare minimum. Also, the maintenance department has advised us that we are experiencing problems with grease build-up in the grinder pumps and sewer lines. The best way to dispose of household grease is to put it out with the garbage rather than pouring it down the drain. This will help to eliminate the grease build-up in the sewer system.
"New Pager Number”
“Emergency Only” calls for sewer grinder pump service can be made after 5pm, Monday through Friday and on weekends and holidays to:
“House Numbers are Important”
Are you sure your house could be located by the police, EMS, or the fire department in the event of any emergency? Recently, our police department was delayed in responding to an emergency call because the house number was not posted—could this have been you? We encourage all citizens to make sure their house number is posted in a conspicuous place visible from the street. If you live off of a main thoroughfare and your residence is not visible from the street, make sure your number is posted at the end of your driveway so emergency crews can find you. Remember, in case of an emergency, this may be the only way a policeman, an ambulance, or the fire department can find your home!!
Don’t take a chance, post the number today!!

City of Bloomingdale, Georgia
June, 2011
West Chatham Solid Waste Management Plan 2008-2018

City of Bloomingdale Comprehensive Plan - Partial Update 2008

Water Resources-Protection & Conservation

"Volunteers Needed"
Would you like to see a better Recreation Department in Bloomingdale? If so, we need you! As in any volunteer organization, the Bloomingdale Recreation Department is always in need of people willing to devote some time and effort to making the program a success. Quite often, the City officials hear complaints about our program, but few of those complaining are willing to pitch-in and help. Although we now have a part-time Recreation Director, there is plenty of work to go around. Not only do we need dedicated coaches, assistant coaches and concession stand workers, but we also need people willing to help with park improvements and ground maintenance. If you are interested in taking part in any aspect of the recreation program, please contact the Recreation Director, Joe Young. He can be reached on his mobile telephone at 210-3785.
Go Bears!!
Community Calendar
July 8, 2011 & July 22, 2011 - 7:00pm
Bloomingdale Community Building - #202 E. Moore Street
Adults only - cash purchases only
$15.00 per pack (pack includes 9 cards per game with a total of 8 games)
Concessions will be available
Event is sponsored by the Bloomingdale History Society
History Preservation Society
Meets the 2nd Monday of the month at the Bloomingdale City Hall #8 West Hwy 80