CITY OF BLOOMINGDALESPRING, 2001Topic:Water Restrictions * City Hall Office Schedules * City Council Meetin Schedule * Public Safety * Historic AdvisoryPatriotic Celebration * Daylight Savings Time * Water/ Sewer Notice * Recreation News * Volunteers Needed for Recreation Dept
“State-Mandated Water Restrictions Continue….”
State-mandated restrictions on outdoor watering are still in effect and the City encourages its citizens to comply with them. If residents fail to abide by the regulations, fines may be assessed. We have been advised by EPD that if drought conditions persist, additional restrictions may be mandated. The current restrictions are as follows: If your home or business has an odd-numbered street address—that is, a number ending in a 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9—you can water on odd-numbered days. If your home or business has an even-numbered street address—that is, a number ending in a 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8—you can water on even-numbered days. No one should water between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m. on any day. Those residents on individual private wells are not required to comply, at this time, but the EPD is asking that they, too, follow the odd-even system for the sake of statewide water conservation.
Remember, these restrictions are for the protection of the water supply throughout Georgia and if water supplies continue to decline, it will affect us all!! Let’s all do our part to conserve this valuable resource.
The City Hall will be closed on the following dates:
Friday, April 13, 2001 – Good FridayMonday, May 28, 2001 – Memorial DayWednesday, July 4, 2001*Monday, September 3, 2001
*Please Note: Due to the July 4th holiday, there will be some changes in the garbage pickup for the week of July 3rd ONLY. Wednesday garbage pickups will be moved to Thursday and Thursday pickups will be moved to Friday. If you have any questions about this schedule, please contact the City Hall at 748-0970.
“City Council Meeting Schedule”
City Council meetings are held at the Bloomingdale City Hall on the first and third Thursdays of each month, except during the summer months when only one meeting is held. The meeting dates for the next six months are as follows:
April 5th & 19th May 3rd & 17th June 21st July 19th August 16th September 20th
The council holds pre-agenda meetings at 6:30pm in the conference room adjacent to the general offices. The council meeting starts at 7:00pm and is held in the council/court room. If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact the City Hall at 748-0970.
The Police Department reports that in the recent rash of break-ins of vehicles in Bloomingdale they found that many were not locked. Since unlocked vehicles make for easy targets, they encourage citizens to keep them locked at all times. Locked vehicles may not stop a thief, but at least it will slow them down—-maybe long enough to be noticed by the owner or a neighbor. Citizens are also encouraged to remove valuables from their vehicles whenever possible—this will help to reduce your loss if a thief does break into the vehicle.
Have you posted your house number? Is it visible from the roadway? Remember, the police, EMS or the fire department may not be able to find your house or business in an emergency if you do not have the number posted!! Don’t take a chance, post the number today!!
“Historic Preservation Advisory Council”
This organization needs a Bloomingdale member. The appointee should be a well acquainted member of Bloomingdale who has some knowledge in historical research and surveys, streetscape and urban design or preservation planning. The appointed member should be able to attend quarterly meetings held at various historic places throughout coastal Georgia. Are you interested in serving on this council? If so, please contact the City Hall as soon as possible at 748-0970.
***************************** “Patriotic Celebration” Sunday, June 10, 2001 W.E. “Bob” Taylor Park – Pine Barren Road 6:00pm until 9:00pm
“Special Recognition planned for Olympians”
The City of Bloomingdale, along with area churches, continues this annual event for our community. This year’s celebration will include an opportunity for you to meet and visit with two “local” Olympians. Lucinda Williams Adams and Cheryl Haworth were both born and raised in Bloomingdale.
Lucinda Williams Adams or “Lady Dancer”, as she was called, ran the third leg of the 4 x 100-meter relay that won her and her teammates a gold medal in the 1960 Rome Olympics. At the 1958 Pan-American Games in Chicago, Adams captured three gold medals and posted an American record for the women’s 220-yard dash. Ms. Adams, who now lives in Dayton, Ohio, serves as an associate director of comprehensive health, physical education, driver education and safety with the Dayton Public Schools. In 1994 she was elected president of the National Association for Sports and Physical Education. Among her many distinct honors are membership on Ohio’s Special Olympics Board of Directors and in the U.S. Olympian Society, as well as the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Ohio Professional and Amateur Athletics Committee and the Presidential Award from the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
Cheryl Haworth, nicknamed “FUN” by her coaches and teammates, won the bronze medal in the women’s 75-kilo-plus class weightlifting competition in the 2000 Summer Olympics held in Sidney, Australia. Cheryl, America’s youngest medal-winner ever, competed as a member of the first U.S. Women’s Olympic Weightlifting Team. Since 1997, Cheryl has competed and placed in numerous national and international weightlifting competitions and received many local and national awards including the 1999 Savannah Greater Athletic Hall of Fame “Athlete of the Year”. Cheryl has been featured in many magazine articles including Sports Illustrated, Newsweek and Time. Since 1999, she has appeared on nearly a dozen television shows including the “Tonight Show” with Jay Leno, NBC’s the “Today Show”, CBS’s “Early Show” and Rosie O’Donnell. Cheryl, currently a high school senior at the Savannah Arts Academy and an accomplished artist, continues to compete in her sport and plans to go for the “Gold” in 2004!
Other activities at the event include carnival rides and games, an outdoor patriotic/religious musical and “FIREWORKS”! Part of the musical program includes a special salute to all veterans. Sandwiches and drinks will be on sale. Admission to the event is FREE--bring your lawn chairs and join us for an afternoon of fun, food, fireworks, and fellowship!
SPECIAL NOTE: If it rains, the celebration will be moved to the Bloomingdale Alliance Church at #501 W. Hwy 80. The sandwiches and drinks will be available for purchase at the social hall starting at 6:30pm with the musical program being held at 8:00pm in the sanctuary.
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“Daylight Savings Time” begins April 1, 2001 (No Fooling!!) Remember to move your clocks ahead an hour and don’t forget to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors!
***************************** Attention: Water/Sewer Customers
Customers qualifying for the “average usage” sewer bills may see a change in their sewer bill July 1st. New averages will be figured for water usage from October, 2000 through March, 2001. These rates will become effective July 1, 2001 and will continue until June, 2002. Customers not on City water prior to October, 2000 will be billed on actual usage and customers without City water will continue to be billed the flat sewer rate.
***************************** “Bloomingdale Recreation News” Practice is underway for the Bloomingdale Recreation baseball/softball teams. The girls will be playing fast-pitch softball for the first time this year. The annual Baseball/Softball Rama will be held on Saturday, April 21st. The boys will play at Hendrix Park and the girls will play at Pooler. The CAA season will begin on April 26th. Bloomingdale’s home games will be played at Taylor Park (Field #1) or behind Bloomingdale Elementary School (Field #2). Come out and support your Bloomingdale Bears!!
Would you like to see a better Recreation Department in Bloomingdale? If so, we need you! As in any volunteer organization, the Bloomingdale Recreation Department is always in need of people willing to devote some time and effort to making the program a success. Quite often, the City officials hear complaints about our program, but few of those complaining are willing to pitch-in and help. Although we now have a part-time Recreation Director, there is plenty of work to go around. Not only do we need dedicated coaches, assistant coaches and concession stand workers, but we also need people willing to help with park improvements and ground maintenance. If you are interested in taking part in any aspect of the recreation program, please contact the Recreation Director, Joe Young. He can be reached by telephone at 748-7400 or by calling his beeper #961-2103. ***************************** |