8 W Hwy 80 - P.O. Box 216
8:00AM TO 4:30PM / 912-748-0268
The Planning & Zoning Commission meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Bloomingdale City Hall located at #8 West Hwy 80.
Questions regarding Building Permits or Zoning can be directed to Diane Proudfoot at (912)748-5112.
NOTE: All matters for discussion and/or consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission must be submitted, in writing, to City Hall a minimum of twenty (20) days prior to the date of their meeting. This deadline was requested by the commission and approved by council on August 21, 2003.
The City of Bloomingdale has been advised by Chatham County that they are in the initial stages of planning the Jimmy Deloach Parkway - U.S. 80 intersection which will likely result in the future construction of an interchange at U.S. 80. The City has been encouraged to advise developers, possible buyers of property and builders involved in projects in the area of this information. If you should have any questions about the County's plans for the Jimmy Deloach Parkway, you should contact R. E. Abolt, County Manager or A.G. Bungard, County Engineer.
January 3, 2019 December 26
January 17, 2019 January 9
February 7, 2019 January 23
February 21, 2019 February 13
March 7, 2019 February 27
March 21, 2019 March 13
April 4, 2019
March 27
April 18, 2019 April 10
May 2, 2019
April 24
May 16, 2019
May 8
June 20, 2019
June 12
July 18, 2019
July 10
August 15, 2019
August 7
September 19, 2019
September 11
October 3, 2019 September 25
October 17, 2019 October 9
November 7, 2019
October 30
November 21, 2019 November 13
December 5, 2019
November 27
December 19, 2019 December 11
If no items are submitted by deadline date meetings are subject to be cancelled.
Building Permit/Construction/Inspection Fees
Building Permit Process
Fence Permit Application & Ordinance
Sign Permit Application & Ordinance
Demolition Permit Application
Mobile Home Permit Application
Subdivision Application
Zoning Map Amendment Application
Land Disturbing Activity Permit Packet
Well Permit Application
Residential Construction: (Permits are good for one (1) year)
New Residential Plan Review - $150.00
$500.00 up to 3,000 sq. ft., plus $75.00 for each additional 1,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof. Fee includes inspections for saw pole, electrical, plumbing and mechanical fees.
Additions/remodeling of living space
$75.00 per building, electrical, plumbing, and/or mechanical inspection as needed for the construction with the number of inspections required being determined by the building inspector at the time the plans are reviewed.
Mobile Home Permit
$300.00 includes mobile home/skirting inspection & one (1) electrical inspection (An electrical inspection form completed by a licensed electrician should be turned into City Hall when the water, sewer, and electrical connections are complete. Once the inspection has been made and approved, the City will release thirty (30) day temporary power to the electric company to allow time for the mobile home to be skirted. All mobile homes must be skirted. After the skirting has been completed, inspected, and approved the City will issue a release for permanent electric power.)
Commercial Construction:
New Commercial Plan Review $300 / Renovation/Tenant Buildout Plan Review $150.00
$500.00 up to 3,000 sq. ft., plus $75.00 for each additional 1,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof for the building construction only. Fee does not include electrical, plumbing, or mechanical inspection fees.
Electrical inspections $60.00 per inspection
Plumbing inspections $60.00 per inspection
Mechanical inspections $60.00 per inspection
The fees for electrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections will be paid by the general contractor at the time the building permit is obtained.
Other Construction Permits:
- Fences & Walls $50.00, plus building permit for fences and walls exceeding 6’ in height
- Garage/Storage Building (free-standing)* $100.00
- $30.00 for each additional inspection
- $60.00 for each electrical inspection
- $100.00 Swimming Pool includes plan review and one building inspection
$30.00 for each additional inspection, $60.00 for each electrical
- Signs $50.00 per sign, plus seventy-five (75) cents per square foot of sign face for each sign or other advertising
- Utility Buildings (portable)* $30.00 up to 150 sq. ft., plus $5.00 per 100 sq. ft.
*Note: Any building permit for an accessory building over 500 sq. ft. of “enclosed area” requires approval from the Mayor and City Council. The request must be accompanied by plans showing the dimensions and floor plan of the building. The plans should include details of how the building will look from the front, rear, and sides and the materials that will be used in its construction.
Walls & Fences $50.00, plus building permit for walls and fences exceeding 6’ in height
Other Inspection Fees:
Re-inspection Fees
$50.00 per building, electrical, plumbing, and/or mechanical inspection. Re-inspection fees must be paid before the City will release final electrical power and/or the certificate of occupancy.
Electrical Saw pole only $25.00
Electrical only inspections $60.00 each
All electrical inspection requests must be accompanied by an inspection slip to be completed by persons performing the electrical work. Note: A homeowner is allowed to do the electrical work on his own residence provided he will be living there, but he must complete, sign, and submit an electrical inspection form to City Hall when requesting an inspection. All other electrical work must be done by a state certified electrician. All electrical fees must be paid before electrical work will be released to the power company.
Inspection fee for temporary electrical service $75.00
A temporary electrical service request may be made to the City provided all electrical, plumbing, and mechanical work has been completed and the inspection forms have been submitted; however, release of the electrical service will be at the discretion of the building inspector based on his findings when his inspection is made. If a temporary release of the electrical service is approved by the building inspector, the electrical service will be released for a period of up to thirty (30) days. The building cannot be occupied until a final building/electrical inspection is made and a certificate of occupancy has been issued.
Double click here to add text.Driveway/Walkway Installation Fees:
The City prefers and encourages the use of Advanced Drainage Systems (A.D.S.) pipe in the installation of driveways requiring drainage pipe for properties located within the city limits abutting city streets. If, however, a citizen wants to use concrete pipe, they can choose that option.
Driveways requiring drainage pipe must be installed by the City unless the City Council gives approval otherwise. Payment for installation of a driveway is due at the time the building permit is issued or, for existing home, prior to the installation of the driveway.
Note: Prior to the pouring of concrete on driveways that do not require a drainage pipe, the maintenance department must review and approve the height of the finished driveway.
Concrete pipe (16’ minimum driveway width)
$50.00 per foot – 15”*
$55.00 per foot – 18”
$60.00 per foot – 15” Elliptical concrete pipe
A.D.S. pipe (20’ minimum driveway width)
$40.00 per foot – 15”
$45.00 per foot – 18”
$50.00 per foot – 24”
Note: The customer may shorten the width of the driveway to under 20’ with a minimum width of 16’, but must pay for the cost of a 20’ driveway.
The minimum walkway width of A.D.S. pipe is 6½’. Other available widths are 10’ and 13½’. A walkway installed between existing pipes must be installed with the minimum size of the walkway pipe being the size of the largest pipe on either side. Walkways requiring drainage pipe must be installed by the City unless the City Council gives approval otherwise. Payment for installation of a walkway is due at the time a building permit is issued or, for existing homes, prior to the installation of the walkway.
A.D.S. pipe (6½’ minimum)
$40.00 per foot – 15”
$45.00 per foot – 18”
$50.00 per foot – 24”