Official minutes of the August 20, 2015 Council Meeting

Approved by City Council at the September 17, 2015 Council Meeting


The council meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozier with Councilman Myrick giving the invocation.   Councilmembers Griffin, Grizzard, Kerby, Key, Myrick, Otto, Attorney Raymond Dickey, City Administrator Charles Akridge and Asst. City Clerk Diane Proudfoot were present.


Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve the draft copy of the minutes of the July 16, 2015 council meeting.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve the agenda of the August 20, 2015 meeting with the addition/change of the following:

Item #9 Consider approval of the 2016 LMIG project and approve local match from SPLOST

Item #10 Consider approval of Boys Scout Pack 80 using Community Building on the first, third & fourth

Tuesdays of each month

Item #11Consider purchase of grinder pump motors in the amount of $14,350.

Item #12 Executive Session for Real Estate & Personnel

Move Item #4 to the Executive Session

Councilman Otto seconded the motion and it passed without opposition. 


Administrative & Committee reports:


City Administrator Akridge reported the City received a letter from FEMA congratulating the City on the voluntary floodplain management actions, which exceed the minimum standards and met the criteria to qualify as a Class 9 in the Community Rating System.  The floodplain management activities implemented qualify our community for a 5 percent discount on the premium cost of flood insurance and thanked Asst. City Clerk Diane Proudfoot for her hard work to accomplish this CRS rating for the citizens of Bloomingdale.

The US Military Vets Motorcycle Club will meet at the Veterans Monument on Saturday at 10:30am.


Councilwoman Griffin reported on the following:

1)     The Football RAMA will be held on August 29th at 8:00am at Taylor Park.

2)     10% of the proceeds from SPLOST are being set aside for a Gym/Multi-purpose facility fund.

3)     A Gym Fund Raiser Committee has been established and there will be a BBQ dinner/bake sale fund raiser on August 29th during the RAMA at Taylor Park.

4)     There is a “Corporate Sponsorship” fund raiser in progress with five levels of contributions: Friend $500;

Bronze $1,000; Silver $2,500; Gold $5,000 and Platinum $10,000.  Upon completion of the new facility a “Sponsorship Wall” will be installed to recognize all levels of contributors.


Councilman Grizzard reminded everyone that the Senior Citizen Luncheon for the “National Senior Citizen Day” will be held tomorrow at noon at the Community Building with the full meal being furnished by the City.




  1. Consider adoption of the Draft Copy of the Chatham County Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Mayor Rozier recognized CEMA representative Dennis Jones who congratulated the City on the CRS certification and stated the Hazard Mitigation Plan is a requirement of the Federal Government and must be updated every five years.  The draft plan has been submitted and approved by the State and has been sent to FEMA with an expected formal adoption in November or December.  The adoption of the draft plan is a step of the CRS requirements.  Councilman Kerby made a motion to approve the draft copy of the Chatham County Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Councilman Grizzard seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.   
  2. Consider Bid Award for the Press Box at Taylor Park.  City Administrator Akridge reported that the Recreation Committee met last week to open the five bids for the press box and would recommend awarding the bid to the low bidder Jimmy Cannon at $38,000.  Councilwoman Griffin made a motion to accept the low bid from Jimmy Cannon at $38,000 with the expenditure coming from CIP/SPLOST.  Motion seconded by Councilwoman Key and passed without opposition. 
  3. Consider repairs to the Air Compressor for the Fire Department in the amount of $9,999.43 with Stallion Air.  City Administrator Akridge recommended approval.  Councilman Kerby made a motion to approve the repairs to the Air Compressor in the amount of $9,999.43 with the expenditure coming from CIP/SPLOST.  Councilman Grizzard seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
  4. Consider a request by Taylor Hickox for a 600 square foot Storage Building to be located at 194 John Carter Road.  Mayor Rozier recognized Taylor Hickox who stated the building is for storage only with no electrical.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve the storage building.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
  5. Consider Addendum to the current Contract for Probation Supervision and Rehabilitation Services with the City of Bloomingdale and Middle Georgia Probation.  City Administrator Akridge stated this amendment would change the coverage to a limited, one-time reimbursement of medical expenses up to $1,000 to be paid by MGP for an offender injured while performing community service.  Councilwoman Griffin made a motion to approve the addendum.  Councilman Otto seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.  

Councilman Kerby recused himself from the meeting prior to item #6.  

  1. Consider continuation of Sidewalk Project on the North side of Highway 80 per the Invitation to Bid.  

City Administrator Akridge stated the invitation to bid allowed council the discretion to continue the project within 90 days of bid date with engineering plans and DOT approval.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve the continuation of the sidewalk project on the north side of Highway 80 at $22.00 per square yard.  Councilman Grizzard seconded the motion and it passed without opposition. 

Councilman Kerby returned to the meeting.

  1. Consider decreasing the speed limit on Stagecoach Road from 35 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour from Highway 80 to the Effingham County line.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve the first reading to decrease the speed limit on Stagecoach Road from 35 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour.  Councilman Grizzard seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
  2. Consider the designation of the 2016 LMIG project and approve the local match from the CIP/SPLOST.  City Administrator Akridge stated this would address the Stagecoach Road problem and the DOT grant money of $45,347 with our local match of $10,464 included.   Councilman Otto made a motion to approve the 2015 LMIG project and approve the local match from CIP/SPLOST.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
  3. Consider allowing Boys Scout Pack 80 to use the Community Building on the first, third and fourth Tuesday of each month.  Councilman Grizzard made a motion to table this item.  Councilman Myrick seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.
  4. Consider the purchase of ten grinder pump motors in the amount of $1,435.00 each.  Councilman Otto stated there were three pumps that went out this week and we need replacement motors available when these pumps go out and made a motion to purchase the ten grinder pump motors with the expenditure coming from the Water/Sewer fund. Councilwoman Key seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.

Councilwoman Griffin made a motion to adjourn into executive session to discuss personnel and real estate.  Councilman Grizzard seconded the motion and it passed without opposition. 

At the conclusion of the executive session, Councilman Myrick made a motion to return to the general session and execute the affidavit as required by the Open Meetings Law.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.   


Mayor Rozier called on City Administrator Akridge to report on the executive session who stated that council is considering a freeze on the 2% annual step pay increase for all personnel.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve the recommendation by City Administrator Akridge.  Councilwoman Key seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.


Mayor Rozier reported that this concluded the items presented for consideration for inclusion on the Council agenda prior to the deadline of Wednesday, August 12, 2015.


The accounts payables were presented with Councilman Myrick making a motion to pay the bills, Councilman Otto seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.


Prior to adjourning, Mayor Rozier introduced two foreign exchange students who are living with him and his family and attending New Hampstead School, Yuki Oihara from Japan and Alessandro Arangio from Sicily.


There being no further business, Councilman Otto made a motion to adjourn at 8:30pm.  Councilwoman Key seconded the motion and it passed without opposition.


Respectfully submitted,


Diane Proudfoot, Asst. City Clerk


Note:  Section § 50-14-1 of the Official Code of the State of Georgia Annotated requires that the minutes shall, as a minimum, include a description of each motion or other proposal made, and a record of all votes.  These minutes meet the minimum requirements.  However, in an attempt to provide as much information as possible to the citizens, the recording clerk has included additional background data and discussion on the subjects presented to council.  The statements of individuals are not verbatim and may be summary in nature.