Official minutes of Council Meeting - October 7, 2010

approved by council October 21, 2010



The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tipton with Councilwoman Barbara Griffin opening with prayer.  The Mayor presented the draft copy of the minutes of the September 16, 2010 meeting and Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve the minutes.  Councilman Crosby seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.  Council reviewed the agenda for the October 7, 2010 meeting.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve the agenda with the following changes: to delete the Public Hearing #2 related to the property at #5 Adams Road as this hearing was held at 6:00pm; to adjust the wording of Item #2 under New Business to reflect the adoption of a resolution regarding the installment agreement with GMA; and to add Item #9 to New Business to approve change orders to the fire station construction project totaling $3960.  Councilman Baxter seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


During administrative and committee reports, Councilman Myrick stated that the City of Bloomingdale would be hosting the Chatham Municipal Association meeting on December 1, 2010 and suggested council begin to make plans for this event as soon as possible.  Mayor Tipton reported that the Personnel Committee will begin reviewing the applications submitted for the City Administrator’s position in the next few days and advised the other council members that the applications would be made available for their review if requested.  The Mayor noted that each committee member would review the applications individually and then meet to determine which applicants to contact for interviews.  Councilman Baxter informed members that construction of the new fire station was proceeding well.  Councilman Baxter pointed out that due to the type of soil found in the footing areas, additional backfill had been necessary, but the contractor is now preparing the foundation for concrete and the framing should begin soon.  Mayor Tipton reported that Councilman Kerby and Public Works Supervisor Ernest Grizzard had worked with the engineers to make some changes in the drainage plan for the fire department site.  The Mayor stated that some changes had also been made in the initial plans for the purchase of generators for emergency power to the fire station and the maintenance department.  The current plan is to move the generator at the well to the maintenance department and install a generator at the new fire station that would also power the well.  Councilman Rawlings reported that plans are underway for another Evening in the Park event at the Bloomingdale Community Park on November 13, 2010 from 5:00pm until 8:00pm.  Councilman Rawlings stated that there would be musical entertainment and dinners for sale, however, the menu was still pending.  Fire Chief Tyler reported that, at the Mayor’s request, he had obtained some information from Deltacom regarding their company being the provider for the City’s telephone, long distance, internet, and possible web hosting services.  Fire Chief Tyler stated that there were two phases to the process with the first phase making very little difference in service except for a reduction in costs of approximately $500 per month and this transition can be handled in-house.  Council was advised that all of the telephone numbers would remain the same and each of the City’s four locations would receive Verizon telephones for emergency use should problems arise with the telephone service.  Fire Chief Tyler stated that there would be additional costs related to the implementation of the second phase which allows for the interlinking of service between locations and the City would also have to pay for upgrades.  Council was advised that the City would have to enter into a contract with the company that would need to be reviewed by the City Attorney.  Mayor Tipton pointed out that this proposal is very preliminary and he would like to have a representative attend the next meeting to provide information to the council about the plan.  Councilman Myrick stated that he would like to have their plan reviewed with each of the department heads before it is presented to council to make sure it will work for everyone that would be using these services.  Fire Chief Tyler also reported that since the fire building had been demolished, the department planned to use the building located at #5 Adams Road for the annual Christmas Party hosted by the Bloomingdale Fire Department.  He stated that he had to check on the availability of the rides for the children, so he wasn’t sure if the party would be held on December 11th or 18th.  Fire Chief Tyler stated that fire hydrant testing will be conducted November 1st thru 23rd and the department wanted to get the word out to citizens because sometimes a rusty residue may show up in the water.  Councilwoman Griffin advised council that there are currently Adult Coed Softball games being played at Taylor Park and this program offered good fellowship for the teams.  Councilwoman Griffin stated that she had been contacted by Hugh Elton with the City of Pooler advising that the director of the Senior Citizens’ Center is requesting assistance in getting word out to area citizens about their programs and encouraging more seniors to attend.


Mayor Tipton reported that a Public Hearing had been scheduled for tonight’s meeting to receive citizen input on a proposed increase in the base fee and per employee rates for Occupational Licenses issued for calendar year 2011 as included in the FY 2010/2011 budget.  It was noted that the proposed increase will raise the base rate for home occupational licenses from $50 to $125, the base rate from $50 to $75 for businesses located outside the home and the per employee rate from $25 to $35 from 1 to 25 employees.  The rate for 26 to 50 employees will remain at $25 per employee.  Councilman Crosby stated that the City’s rates were very competitive with surrounding cities and the increase in revenue was needed at this time.  Being no further comments, Mayor Tipton closed the public hearing.




Councilman Kerby reported that as previously mentioned, the existing generator located at the well site on Adams Road will be moved to the maintenance department and the generator that will be included in the construction of the new fire department would serve both the fire building and the well.  Mayor Tipton reported that he had signed the paperwork authorizing the ordering of the new Cummins generator for the fire station and this change would be about a $25,000 cost savings from the previous plan.




Council discussed the proposed increases in the Occupational Licenses to be issued for calendar year 2011 and the continuation of the policy to allow for the occupational licenses obtained in December, 2010 to be issued 2011 licenses.  After a brief discussion, Councilman Crosby made a motion to amend the Fee Schedule Policy to set the base rate for home occupational licenses at $125, the base rate for businesses outside of the home at $75, plus a $35 per employee fee from 1 to 25 employees and a $25 per employee fee from 26 to 50 employees and to allow for occupational licenses obtained in December, 2010 to be issued 2011 licenses.  Councilman Baxter seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Mayor Tipton presented a resolution for council’s consideration authorizing the execution of an installment sale agreement and other documents related to the purchase of property located at #5 Adams Road between the City of Bloomingdale and the Georgia Municipal Association, Inc. (GMA).  At the conclusion of discussion, Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve said resolution, Councilman Baxter seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Council reviewed a request from Kevin & Kay Heritage to renew the “medical hardship” permit for the secondary mobile home located on their property located at #1230 Bloomingdale Road.  Council was advised that according to information provided by Dr. Troy Murphy, the medical condition of Kay’s mother, Ho Shim Shaw, still exists and she requires daily assistance from her daughter.  After a brief discussion, Councilman Baxter made a motion to approve a six month extension of the medical hardship permit as requested by the Heritages.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


The Mayor stated that Kern-Coleman & Co., Inc. had presented a change order from Groundworks Contracting, Inc. to furnish & place 360 square yards of Tensar Geogrid TX 160 at an elevation of 2’ below the finished sub-grade elevations prior to backfilling areas within the paved footers for the new fire building at a cost of $2340.00.  Council was advised that this proposal came as a recommendation from Whitaker Labs.  Councilman Baxter made a motion to approve the change order as presented, Councilman Crosby seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Council reviewed a request from Glynn Myrick for a home occupation license to operate the “office only” of a remodeling/construction business from his residence located at #14 Douglas Court.  Mr. Myrick stated that there would be two employees, but no traffic, deliveries, or equipment related to the business coming to his residence as he has an office in Pooler where this takes place.  Mr. Myrick advised council that he will only be handling telephone calls from the residence.  Based on this information, Councilman Myrick made a motion to waive the public hearing requirement and issue the home occupation license as requested by Glynn Myrick.  Councilman Kerby seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Mayor Tipton recognized Mark Puente who presented his request to council to obtain a home occupation license to operate the “office only” of a fencing/patio business from the residence located at #1205B E. Hwy 80.  Council was informed that the owner of the property, Denise Dixon, had provided a letter authorizing him to use the residence at #1205B E. Hwy 80 for the business.  Mr. Puente stated there would be no materials kept at the residence and he will be the only employee.  Mr. Puente assured council there would be no materials delivered to the residence and no customer traffic.  Based on the information provided to council, Councilman Baxter made a motion to waive the public hearing requirement and issue the home occupation license as requested by Mark Puente.  Councilman Crosby seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


The council reviewed a request from Joyce Thurner to obtain a home occupation license to operate the “office only” of a construction business from her residence located at #504 Cherry St.  Ms. Thurner stated that she and her husband were involved in the business which consisted of commercial and residential construction and remodeling.  Ms. Thurner stated there will be no materials stored at the residence.  After this discussion, Councilman Myrick made a motion to waive the public hearing requirement and issue the home occupation license as requested by Ms. Thurner.  The motion was seconded by Councilman Crosby and passed with six affirmative votes.


The Mayor recognized Councilman Crosby who presented recommendations from the Planning Commission from their regular meeting held on September 14th.   Councilman Crosby reported that the Planning Commission was recommending the approval of a zoning map amendment application that had been submitted by Matthew & Donna Goodwin to rezone their property located at #7 Mesa Ave from R-1 to C-1 and he made a motion to accept their recommendation for the rezoning.  Councilman Baxter seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Councilman Crosby advised council that the Planning Commission was recommending approval of a two lot minor subdivision submitted by Martin Collins for his property located at #355 Adams Rd.  It was noted that prior to the subdivision, there was both a frame residential structure and a mobile home on this parcel.  The subdivision allows for the mobile home to be located on Parcel #1 consisting of 5 acres and the frame residential structure will be on the 6.05 tract designated as Parcel #2.  After a review of the minor subdivision plan, Councilman Crosby made a motion to approve the minor subdivision plat as presented by Mr. Collins.  Councilman Baxter seconded the motion and passed with six affirmative votes.


Council was advised that the City of Bloomingdale adopted an update to its Erosion & Sedimentation Control Ordinance on June 17, 2010 to include requirements as provided by the State of Georgia and submitted a copy to them for their review.  During their review, the state noted some section references within the ordinance that needed to be changed.  There were no adjustments needed to the actual wording of the ordinance, just the section references; however, council needs to approve the changes so a corrected copy can be submitted to the State of Georgia.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve the first reading of the changes to the Erosion & Sedimentation Control Ordinance, to dispense with the second reading, to approve the changes as noted and to submit a corrected copy to the State of Georgia.  Councilman Crosby seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Mayor Tipton presented a request from GMA for the City of Bloomingdale’s participation in the annual Mayors’ Christmas Motorcade by providing gifts to the Georgia Regional Hospital.  Council was advised that this marks the 52nd year of the event and Bloomingdale has been part of the program since its incorporation over 36 years ago.  It was noted that last year’s contribution was $200 in gifts for the patients.  The Mayor and Council agreed that this was a most worthwhile project and Councilman Baxter pointed out that the patients were most appreciative of anything they received.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to participate in this year’s program with $200 in gifts.  Councilman Baxter seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


The Mayor presented two change orders related to the fire building construction for council’s consideration.  One change order, in the amount of $1300 covered the expense to reconnect electrical power to the caboose that had to be removed during the site work with the second change order being related to the moving of the fence between the City property and Gaster Lumber for drainage work needed for the site in the amount of $2660.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve both change orders with the electrical work to be paid from SPLOST 03-08 funds related to the fire department building and the $2660 for the fence work to be paid from the SPLOST Drainage Funds.  Councilman Kerby seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Mayor Tipton reported that this concluded the items presented for consideration for inclusion on the council agenda prior to the deadline of September 29, 2010.


The accounts payable were reviewed with Councilman Myrick making a motion to pay the bills, Councilman Baxter seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Being no further business, Councilman Kerby made a motion to adjourn at 7:45pm.  Councilwoman Griffin seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Respectfully submitted,  Sandra Jones, City Clerk


Mayor Tipton and all council members were present at the meeting.


Note:  Section § 50-14-1 of the Official Code of the State of Georgia Annotated requires that the minutes shall, as a minimum, include a description of each motion or other proposal made, and a record of all votes.  These minutes meet the minimum requirements.  However, in an attempt to provide as much information as possible to the citizens, the recording clerk has included additional background data and discussion on the subjects presented to council.  The statements of individuals are not verbatim and may be summary in nature.