JANUARY 3, 2002



The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozier with Councilman Waller leading in prayer.


The minutes of the December 6, 2001 meeting were reviewed.  Councilman Waller made a motion to approve said minutes, Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.




Mayor Rozier reported that the City has received a letter from the Metropolitan New York Baptist Association thanking Bloomingdale for the funds that were sent on behalf of three of the families affected by the September 11th tragedy.


Council was advised that the proposed agreement with TLC Communications to place an antenna on the City’s water tower is still under review by their attorneys.


The Mayor advised council that copies of the proposed amendment to revise the City’s sign ordinance will be distributed for review by the newly elected officials.  He pointed out that any changes to the ordinance will require a public hearing since it involves the zoning ordinance, but council needs to make sure they approve of the amendment before it is forwarded to the Planning Commission for action.  Councilman Johnson made a motion to table any further action on the proposed amendment until the newly elected officials have had an opportunity to review the ordinance.  Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Maintenance Supervisor Fett Burke reported he had checked the driveway at #308 E. Garvin Street, but there was not enough rainfall to determine whether or not the water would drain to the back of the lot as indicated by Mr. Butler.  This matter will remain under old business until it is resolved.


Council was advised that the City has installed the cable at Harden Canal as previously approved by council to restrict vehicles from traveling along the canal in hopes to curb the illegal dumping taking place in that area.


Mayor Rozier stated that council needed to give Attorney Gerard the authority to continue negotiation of an agreement with Bill Saxman to serve as a consultant for the City on development and zoning issues.  After a brief discussion, Councilman Myrick made a motion to take said action.  Councilman Wedincamp seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


The Mayor reported that at the December 6th council meeting, the Planning Commission presented a recommendation to council that the City not approve a text amendment to the zoning ordinance to add private schools as a conditional use in an R-1 zone.  The Planning Commission indicated they preferred to rezone the tract rather than change the zoning ordinance.  This matter was tabled until tonight’s meeting.  After a discussion of the matter, it was determined that the newly elected officials needed some additional time to review the text amendment before taking any action.  Councilman Waller made a motion to table action on this matter until the next council meeting.  Councilman Myrick seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.




Mayor Rozier advised council that they needed to elect a Mayor Pro-tem.  Councilman Waller made a motion to elect Councilman Karl M. Johnson, Jr. as Mayor Pro-tem, Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.  Councilman Johnson abstained from voting.


Council discussed the appointment and compensation of a Judge and the appointment of a Judge Pro-tem for the Bloomingdale Recorder’s Court for 2002.  Councilman Waller made a motion to appoint Tom Edenfield as Judge of Recorder’s Court with a monthly compensation of $670 and to appoint Bob and Brandon Galloway to serve as Judge Pro-tems of said court.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Mayor Rozier distributed a copy of the committee appointments for council’s review.


Council discussed the appointment of two (2) councilmembers to serve as designated signers on the City’s bank accounts.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to approve Councilmembers Waller and Johnson as designated signers.  Councilman Wedincamp seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.  It was noted that the Mayor and City Clerk are also designated signers on these accounts.


The Planning Commission presented the following recommendations:


1)      Approval of a minor subdivision of property owned by Larry Patton on Pine Barren Road into two tracts.  Both tracts meet the minimum requirements of the City’s Subdivision Ordinance and have been approved by the Chatham County Health Department.  Councilman Tyler made a motion to approve the minor subdivision. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.

2)      Approval of a minor subdivision of property owned by Walker Jones and Jason Barlow on Hiram Road into two tracts.  Both tracts meet the minimum requirements of the City’s Subdivision Ordinance and have been approved by the Chatham County Health Department.  Councilman Tyler made a motion to approve the minor subdivision, Councilman Ray seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Council reviewed a request from Jean Frischknecht for the recombination of Lot #15 that she owns on Hiram Road to include an additional 5 acres that joins the east side of her property.  The subdivision ordinance allows this matter to be handled by the council.  Councilman Wedincamp made a motion to approve the recombination as requested by Ms. Frischknecht.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


The Mayor reported that there were no accounts payable available for approval at tonight’s meeting due to it being so early in the month and invoices have not yet been received.  Councilman Waller made a motion to authorize Mayor Rozier to approve payment of any invoices that may need to be paid prior to the January 17th meeting.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Chief Anderson requested council approval of the appointment of Officer Ted Knowles as Corporal.  Mayor Rozier referred this matter to the Police Committee for their review and to present a recommendation at the next meeting.


Being no further business, Councilman Wedincamp made a motion to adjourn.  Councilman Ray seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes. 


The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.



The Mayor and all councilmembers were present at the meeting.