Fee Schedule Policy
Adopted April 21, 2005
Amended 8-25-05, 9-15-05, 10-6-05, 10-20-05, 11-16-06, 3-1-07, 1-28-08, 2-7-08, 5-15-08,
7-1-08, 8-21-08, 1-15-09, 9-17-09, 5-20-10, 9-16-10, 10-7-10, 1-6-11, 3-3-11, 4-7-11, 6-16-11, 8-18-11, 12-1-11, 1-19-12, 7-19-12, 8-16-12, 2-7-13, 8-15-13, 3-3-14, 4-1-14
The following fees are those currently in effect that have been adopted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Bloomingdale either by approval of an ordinance or a City policy. This fee schedule will be maintained in the office of the City Clerk and will remain in affect until said schedule is changed by an amendment to the appropriate ordinance or City policy as approved by the Mayor and City Council.
Table of Contents
Administrative and Regulatory Fee
Community Building Rental Fees
Occupational Tax Fees – 2012
Building Permit/Construction/Inspection Fees
Driveway/Walkway Installation Fees
Utilities and Solid Waste Fees
Fire Protection User Fees*
Subdivision Fees
Zoning Fees
*Approved 7-1-08
Administrative and Regulatory Fees
4th thru 10th false alarm $ 50.00 response fee per call
11th thru 20th false alarm $ 75.00 response fee per call
21st thru 30th false alarm $100.00 response fee per call
False alarms in excess of 30 $125.00 response fee per call
4th thru 20th false alarm $150.00 response fee per call
11th thru 20th false alarm $175.00 response fee per call
21st thru 30th false alarm $200.00 response fee per call
False alarms in excess of 30 $225.00 response fee per call
Note: Issued to one person only six (6) times within a twelve-month period and for no more than four (4) consecutive calendar days
$1,000.00 (Monday – Saturday) $500.00 (Sunday Sales) $100.00 (Application fee)
to five (5) days, or
$100.00 for a flat regulatory fee to be paid at the beginning of the
calendar year which covers those named employees registered
with the original application. a $15.00 processing fee will be
required on each new employee added during the year
*Fees adopted by City Council on January 6, 2011
**Fees adopted by City Council on March 3, 2011
***Adopted by Council January 19, 2012
Community Building/Park Rental Fees
Community Building only:
$ 40.00 per hr. (3 hr. min., hourly rentals Mon-Fri only-Saturdays & Sundays require all day rentals)
$150.00 per day
$ 50.00 per hr. (3 hr. min., hourly rentals Mon-Fri only-Saturdays & Sundays require all day rentals)
$200.00 per day
*Approved by City Council on 6-16-11 with an effective date of July 1, 2011
Payment of the reservation fee and execution of the rental agreement will hold the building for the requested date. The reservation fee rate is determined by the residence of the person who signs the rental agreement and assumes responsibility for the building. The reservation fee will be refunded provided the City receives a written cancellation notice at least thirty (30) days before the reservation date. The City will accept checks for the reservation fees.
$100.00 Events with no alcoholic beverages (8-15-13)
$300.00 Events that include alcoholic beverages (8-15-13)
A cash security deposit must be paid when the key is issued to the renter or his designee. The security deposit will be refunded to the renter or his designee once the building has been inspected by the City of Bloomingdale and found to be clean and undamaged. If additional cleaning is required these costs will be deducted from the security deposit at a rate of $10.00 per hour with a one hour minimum. The fees for minor damage repairs will also be deducted from the security deposit at a rate to be determined based on the actual repair costs. If major damage occurs, the City will take whatever legal steps may be necessary to collect any costs incurred for said repairs that may exceed the amount of the security deposit paid by the renter.
Community Park only:
$50.00 per day
$75.00 per day
Payment of the reservation fee and execution of the rental agreement will hold the park for the requested date. The reservation fee rate is determined by the residence of the person who signs the rental agreement and assumes responsibility for the park. The reservation fee will be refunded provided the City receives a written cancellation notice at least thirty (30) days before the reservation date. The City will accept checks for the reservation fees.
$50.00 per day
A cash security deposit must be paid when the keys to the bathrooms are issued to the renter or his designee. The security deposit will be refunded to the renter or his designee once the park has been inspected by the City of Bloomingdale and found to be clean and undamaged. If additional cleaning is required these costs will be deducted from the security deposit at a rate of $10.00 per hour with a one hour minimum. The fees for minor damage repairs will also be deducted from the security deposit at a rate to be determined based on the actual repair costs. If major damage occurs, the City will take whatever legal steps may be necessary to collect any costs incurred for said repairs that may exceed the amount of the security deposit paid by the renter.
If a renter loses the key(s) they are assigned for the community building or the community park bathrooms, there will be a $25.00 fee charged to the renter and this fee will be deducted from the security deposit.
Occupational Tax Fees – 2012**
A base charge of $75.00 shall be charged on all occupational licenses for out of home businesses and a base charge of $250 shall be charged on all home occupational licenses, plus the applicable tax liability as outlined below:
# of Employees * Tax Liability
-- $ 75 Base Charge (out of home business), plus employee rate
$ 250 Base Charge (home occupation license), plus employee rate
1- 25 $ 35 per employee
26 & over $ 25 per employee
*The number of employees of the business or practitioner shall be computed on a full-time position basis or full-time position equivalent basis, provided that for the purposes of this computation an employee who works 40 hours or more weekly shall be considered a full-time employee and that the average weekly hours of employees who work less than 40 hours shall be added and such sum shall be divided by 40 to produce full-time position equivalents.
A penalty shall be imposed on each business which fails to apply for and obtain an appropriate business registration and pay all taxes and fees as outlined above by the second day of April of each year. The penalty for failure to pay the appropriate taxes and fees shall be assessed in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the administrative fee and occupational tax for the first thirty (30) days or fraction thereof of delinquency and an additional two percent (2%) of the administrative fee and occupational tax for each additional month or fraction thereof of delinquency.
**Approved by council on December 1, 2011
Building Permit/Construction/Inspection Fees
New Residential
$350.00 up to 3,000 sq. ft., plus $75.00 for each additional 1,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof. Fee includes
inspections for saw pole, electrical, plumbing and mechanical fees.
Additions/remodeling of living space
$30.00 per building, electrical, plumbing, and/or mechanical inspection as needed for the construction with
the number of inspections required being determined by the building inspector at the time the plans are
Mobile Home Permit
$80.00 includes mobile home/skirting inspection & one (1) electrical inspection
(An electrical inspection form completed by a licensed electrician should be turned into City Hall when the water, sewer, and electrical connections are complete. Once the inspection has been made and approved, the City will release thirty (30) day temporary power to the electric company to allow time for the mobile home to be skirted. All mobile homes must be skirted. After the skirting has been completed, inspected, and approved the City will issue a release for permanent electric power.)
New Commercial
$350.00 up to 3,000 sq. ft., plus $75.00 for each additional 1,000 sq. ft. or fraction thereof for the building construction only. Fee does not include electrical, plumbing, or mechanical inspection fees.
Electrical inspections $30.00 per inspection
Plumbing inspections $ 4.00 per fixture
Mechanical inspections Based on mechanical inspection fees as listed under “Other Inspection Fees”
The fees for electrical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections will be paid by the general contractor at the time the building permit is obtained.
Fences & Walls **$50.00, plus building permit for fences and walls exceeding 6’ in height
Garage/Storage Building (free-standing)* $50.00 includes plan review and one building inspection
$30.00 for each additional inspection
Swimming Pool $50.00 includes plan review and one building inspection
$30.00 for each additional inspection
Signs $25.00 per sign, plus twenty (20) cents per square foot of sign face for each
sign or other advertising
Utility Buildings (portable)* $30.00 up to 150 sq. ft., plus $5.00 per 100 sq. ft.
*Note: Any building permit for an accessory building over 500 sq. ft. of “enclosed area” requires approval from the Mayor and City Council. The request must be accompanied by plans showing the dimensions and floor plan of the building. The plans should include details of how the building will look from the front, rear, and sides and the materials that will be used in its construction.
Walls & Fences **$50.00, plus building permit for walls and fences exceeding 6’ in height
Re-inspection Fees
$20.00 per building, electrical, plumbing, and/or mechanical inspection. Re-inspection fees must be paid before
before the City will release final electrical power and/or the certificate of occupancy.
Electrical Saw pole only $25.00
Electrical only inspections $30.00 each
All electrical inspection requests must be accompanied by an inspection slip to be completed by persons performing the electrical work. Note: A homeowner is allowed to do the electrical work on his own residence provided he will be living there, but he must complete, sign, and submit an electrical inspection form to City Hall when requesting an inspection. All other electrical work must be done by a state certified electrician. All electrical fees must be paid before electrical work will be released to the power company.
Inspection fee for temporary electrical service $45.00
A temporary electrical service request may be made to the City provided all electrical, plumbing, and mechanical work has been completed and the inspection forms have been submitted; however, release of the electrical service will be at the discretion of the building inspector based on his findings when his inspection is made. If a temporary release of the electrical service is approved by the building inspector, the electrical service will be released for a period of up to thirty (30) days. The building cannot be occupied until a final building/electrical inspection is made and a certificate of occupancy has been issued.
Mechanical Inspection Fees
Permit Fees:
For issuing each permit $10.00
In addition:
1. Fee for inspecting heating, ventilating, ductwork, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems shall be fifteen ($15.00) dollars for the first one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, or fraction thereof, of valuation of the installation plus two ($2.00) dollars for each additional one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, or fraction thereof.
2. Fee for inspecting repairs, alterations and additions to an existing system shall be ten ($10.00) plus two ($2.00) dollars for each one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars of fraction thereof.
3. Fee for inspecting boilers (based on BTU input):
33,000 BTU (1 BHP) to 165,000 (5 BHP) ………………………………… $10.00
165,001 BTU (5 BHP) to 330,000 (10 BHP) …………………………….... $15.00
330,001 BTU (10 BHP) to 1,165,000 (52 BHP) …………………………... $20.00
1,165,001 BTU (52 BHP) to 3,300,000 (98 BHP) ………………………… $30.00
Over 3,300,000 BTU ………………………………………………………. $40.00
Fee for re-inspection:
Should it become necessary to make a re-inspection of a heating, ventilating, air conditioning or refrigeration system, or boiler installation, the installer of such equipment shall pay a re-inspection fee of fifteen ($15.00) dollars
Temporary Operation Inspection Fee:
When preliminary inspection is requested for purposes of permitting temporary operation of a heating, ventilating, refrigeration, or air-conditioning system, or portion thereof, a fee of fifteen ($15.00) dollars shall be paid by the contractor requesting such preliminary inspection. If the system is not approved for temporary operation on the first preliminary inspection, the usual re-inspection fee shall be charged for each subsequent preliminary inspection for such purpose. In all buildings, except one and two family dwellings, where self-contained air conditioning units of less than two (2) tons are to be installed, the fee charged shall be that of the total cost of all units combined. (see Permit Fees, #3 for rate).
Driveway/Walkway Installation Fees
The City prefers and encourages the use of Advanced Drainage Systems (A.D.S.) pipe in the installation of driveways requiring drainage pipe for properties located within the city limits abutting city streets. If, however, a citizen wants to use concrete pipe, they can choose that option.
Driveways requiring drainage pipe must be installed by the City unless the City Council gives approval otherwise. Payment for installation of a driveway is due at the time the building permit is issued or, for existing home, prior to the installation of the driveway.
Note: Prior to the pouring of concrete on driveways that do not require a drainage pipe, the maintenance department must review and approve the height of the finished driveway.
Concrete pipe (16’ minimum driveway width)
$42.69 per foot – 15”*
$44.50 per foot – 18”*
$49.94 per foot – 15” Elliptical concrete pipe*
A.D.S. pipe (20’ minimum driveway width)
$34.00 per foot – 15”*
$35.45 per foot – 18”*
$42.00 per foot – 24”*
Note: The customer may shorten the width of the driveway to under 20’ with a minimum width of 16’,
but must pay for the cost of a 20’ driveway.
*Increases effective 8-18-11
The minimum walkway width of A.D.S. pipe is 6½’. Other available widths are 10’ and 13½’. A walkway installed between existing pipes must be installed with the minimum size of the walkway pipe being the size of the largest pipe on either side. Walkways requiring drainage pipe must be installed by the City unless the City Council gives approval otherwise. Payment for installation of a walkway is due at the time a building permit is issued or, for existing homes, prior to the installation of the walkway.
A.D.S. pipe (6½’ minimum)
$34.00 per foot – 15”
$35.45 per foot – 18”
$42.00 per foot – 24”
*Increases effective 8-18-11
Utilities and Solid Waste Fees
(Rate increases effective 4-1-14)*
Residential: Commercial:
*First 3,000 gals. or less $17.50 per mo. *First 3,000 gals. or less $19.50 per mo.
3,001 to 10,000 gals. $ 2.25 / 1000 gals. 3,001 to 10,000 gals. $ 2.25 / 1000 gals.
10,001 to 15,000 gals. $ 2.75 / 1000 gals. 10,001 to 15,000 gals. $ 2.75 / 1000 gals.
15,001 to 20,000 gals. $ 3.25 / 1000 gals 15,001 to 20,000 gals. $ 3.25 / 1000 gals
20,001 to 25,000 gals. $ 3.75 / 1000 gals 20,001 to 25,000 gals. $ 3.75 / 1000 gals
25,001 to 30,000 gals. $ 4.25 / 1000 gals 25,001 to 30,000 gals. $ 4.25 / 1000 gals
30,001 gals & over $ 4.75 / 1000 gals. 30,001 gals. & over $ 4.75 / 1000 gals.
Residential: Commercial:
Sewer Base Rate $19.50 plus usage per mo. Sewer Base Rate $25.50 plus usage per mo.
1-20,000 gals. $ 3.25 / 1000 gals. 1-10,000 gals. $ 4.75 / 1000 gals.
20,001 gals. & over $ 4.25 / 1000 gals. 10,001 gals. & over $ 5.50 / 1000 gals.
Sewer Only Customers $42.25 per month
Sanitation Rates (Includes one (1) 90 gallon roll-out cart per customer)
In City $20.75 per mo. In City $26.40 per mo.
Seniors (65 & over) $19.75 per mo. (new rate)
Outside City $21.75 per mo.
Additional Carts $ 8.25 per mo. Additional Carts $16.45 per mo.
A $1.00 reduction in the monthly charge for sanitation was approved by City Council on 2-18-10 provided the fees are paid, in full, one year in advance and paid by January 15 each year.
Front-load containers are available for commercial customers wanting to use dumpsters instead of multiple carts. The service will be through Republic Waste Services, Inc.; however, the City will continue to bill the customer for the cost of the dumpsters using the following rates for once a week pickups. Commercial customers needing multiple pickups will be charged the listed rate times the number of pickups.
2 yd container $ 60.00 (Rate increase approved 2-7-13)
4 yd container $ 75.00 (Rate increase approved 2-7-13)
6 yd container $101.00
8 yd container $150.00 (Rate increase approved 7-19-12)
Water $ 60.00 Water $20.00
Sewer $100.00 Sewer $20.00
Sanitation $ 40.00
*Deposits are refunded when customer has been in the City for two (2) years as of July 1st unless services are terminated prior to that date. Current deposits for services approved by council 6-16-11
Water and sewer services $50.00
Sewer only $50.00
Reconnection fees are charged for all customers failing to pay their bills, in full, prior to the distribution of cut-off notices to the maintenance department on the day designated for that month’s cut-offs.
Water $1,000.00 (includes cost of 5/8” meter, meter box and service line from tap to meter)*
$1,200.00 (includes cost of 1" meter, meter box and service line from tap to meter)*
$1,500.00 (includes cost of 1½" meter, meter box and service line from tap to meter)*
$2,000.00 (includes cost of 2" meter, meter box and service line from tap to meter)*
$4,000.00 (includes cost of 3" meter, meter box and service line from tap to meter)*
$6,000.00 (includes cost of 4" meter, meter box and service line from tap to meter)*
$8,000,00 (includes cost of 6" meter, meter box and service line from tap to meter)*
$10,000.00 (includes cost of 8" meter, meter box and service line from tap to meter)*
*Rates approved by council on 5-15-08
Sewer $1,200.00 (includes 80’ of sewer service line from property line to sewer stub out of structure)
Additional sewer service line - $8.50 per foot
Grinder pump, includes buzzer/light kit* $3,245.00 (as of August 25, 2005)
*Cost is based on current factory costs, plus 15%, plus $70 freight.
Buzzer/light kits only $325.00 as of August 25, 2005
Grinder pump relocations not requiring a new sewer tap $500.00
*Note: Extensions of water and sewer mains will be at the discretion of the Mayor and City Council
$40.00 -- If a sewer service call is made by City personnel on a holiday or after normal business hours and
the problem is determined to be caused by the household plumbing, the customer will be billed
$40.00 for the service call.
$25.00 -- Issuance of permit requires approval of the Mayor and City Council
Curb-side pickups
No fee is charged by the City for the pickup of small items and minimal accumulations of limbs for grinding
$25.00 minimum fee, plus $25.00 for every fifteen (15) minutes required to load debris or grind limbs for large tree branches, heavy brush, furniture, appliances, etc. The customer will be advised, in advance, of the cost for removal of said debris and once the fees have been paid the removal of the item(s) will be added to the next regularly scheduled pickup for that area.
Trash Truck usage
$25.00 per load user fee, plus $200.00 deposit to cover disposal fees – use of truck requires execution of written agreement outlining requirements for payment of fees and types of debris that can be loaded on truck.
Fire Protection User Fees*
1) Value of structure under $20,000 $ 6.00 per month*
2) Single family residences (account holder over 65) $ 8.00 per month
3) Single family residences $ 12.00 per month
1) Commercial up to 3,000 sq. ft. $15.00 per month
2) Commercial 3,001 to 10,000 sq. ft. $30.00 per month
3) Commercial 10,000 sq. ft. & over $30.00 per month, plus $1.00 for every
additional 1,000 sq. ft or portion thereof.
1) Residential $15.00 per month
2) Commercial up to 3,000 sq.ft. $18.75 per month
3) Commercial 3,001 to 10,000 sq.ft. $37.50 per month
4) Commerical 10,001 sq.ft. and up $37.50 plus $1.25 for every
additional 1,000 sq.ft or portion thereof
*Effective 7-1-09
**Effective 8-16-12
Note: Commercial rate, which includes churches, amended by council on 8-21-08
Subdivision Fees
1) Fee to accompany major subdivision plat application $200.00 plus $50.00 for each
lot in excess of three (3) lots
2) Fee for resubmission of preliminary major subdivision plat $15.00
3) Fee to accompany preliminary minor subdivision plat (if one is submitted) $50.00
1) Major Subdivision – A minimum fee for any final major subdivision plat shall be determined by the following schedule
a. 1 through 27 lots ……………………………………. $270.00
b. 28 through 99 lots, per lot …………………………… $ 8.00
c. 100 through 199 lots ………………………………… $800.00 plus $6.00 per lot in excess of 100 lots
d. 200 through 399 lots ……………………………… $1,400.00 plus $4.00 per lot in excess of 200 lots
e. 400 lots or more …………………………………… $2,200.00 plus $1.50 per lot in excess of 400 lots
2) Minor Subdivision: $75.00
Note: The applicant will be responsible for recording the final plat with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, Georgia, and for the payment of the required fee.
On 8-21-08, City Council adopted an ordinance requiring any and all professional fees, review costs, and all other fees or costs associated with the development of property which is incurred by the City of Bloomingdale which results from the property owner or developer submitting a development plan or request for change of zoning, shall be paid by the property owner or developer.
Zoning Fees
1) Two (2) to five (5) acre development $1000.00
2) Over five (5) to ten (10) acre development $1500.00
3) Over ten (10) to twenty (20) acre development $2000.00
4) Over twenty (20) acre development $2500.00
On 8-21-08, City Council adopted an ordinance requiring any and all professional fees, review costs, and all other fees or costs associated with the development of property which is incurred by the City of Bloomingdale which results from the property owner or developer submitting a development plan or request for change of zoning, shall be paid by the property owner or developer.
*Amendment approved 5-20-10 to add “per parcel”. Council approved fee increase 6-16-11 effective 7-1-11.
**Addition of application fee for variance request & an increase in application to Board of Zoning Appeals approved by council on 6-16-11 effective 7-1-11.