The meeting was called to order by Mayor Strozier with Councilman Ronald Waller leading in prayer.
The minutes of the June 15th public hearing and council meeting were reviewed. Councilman Johnson made a motion to approve said minutes, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.
Chief Anderson reported that the cleanup of the property owned by Juni Ricketts on Hwy 80 was still underway. Mr. Ricketts has been advised that if the work has not been completed by July 25th, he will be placed on the August 8th court docket.
Mayor Strozier presented a resolution prepared by Attorney Gerard authorizing the City’s forces to demolish and remove the improvements on the property of Tim Nettles located at #9 Chestnut Street. This action is the result of his failure to comply with the requirements of the City’s nuisance abatement ordinance. Once the demolition costs are reported to Attorney Gerard, he can prepare a lien against the property that will be filed at the courthouse. After a brief discussion of the matter, Councilman Waller made a motion to approve the adoption of the resolution, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.
The Mayor recognized Del Ferguson, the owner of rental property at #416 Ash Street, who had requested he be placed on tonight’s agenda after receiving a subpoena to court for violation of the City’s zoning ordinance. Mr. Ferguson’s rental property is located in a R-1 zone that only allows single family dwellings and complaints had been made to the City that he had been renting the property as a duplex. Mr. Ferguson explained that after the City had advised him that one of the previous tenants was causing trouble, he evicted her and he is not currently renting the dwelling as a duplex. He further explained that he had removed the kitchen facility in the second section. Mr. Ferguson stated that he did not realize that he needed to report this information to the City. The Mayor advised him that since the City had not been notified, the police department had been instructed to issue the subpoena for violation of the zoning ordinance. Mayor Strozier stated that if Mr. Ferguson understands he cannot rent the dwelling as a duplex and has removed the kitchen facilities in the second section, the City would not pursue prosecution. Mr. Ferguson assured the Mayor that the dwelling would not be rented as a duplex and will only have one kitchen, so Mayor Strozier instructed Chief Anderson to advise the Judge the City wanted to drop the charges.
The Mayor reported that although the water restrictions imposed by the State of Georgia are still in force, he continues to sees many citizens that are not abiding by these regulations. He pointed out that if the drought problems continue, we may have to implement our local water conservation ordinance and it is much more restrictive than the state’s regulations. Also, our ordinance includes provisions whereby the cost of water increases when the usage increases. Councilman Tuten was asked to meet with Chief Anderson to outline procedures for officers to follow to enforce the state mandated regulations.
Council was advised that after the public hearing was held on July 11th regarding the rezoning of the Jimmy Deloach Parkway, Attorney Gerard once again contacted the county regarding the “limited access” issue of the roadway. Attorney Gerard was advised by the county engineering department that the roadway would be turned over to the state once the construction is accepted by the county. The state would then control access to the roadway including the approval of additional curb cuts. The Mayor pointed out that since this was not the same information obtained from the county prior to the public hearing he was not able to provide accurate information to the citizens. Also, since the state would be in control of the access to Jimmy Deloach Parkway, it may not be a good idea to do a comprehensive rezoning of the area at this time.
The committee members working on the Christmas lights project were advised that Troy Fields has provided a diagram for use by the electrician that will be wiring the electrical boxes that will be mounted on the poles.
Council was advised that Attorney Gerard has prepared a right of way deed for council’s acceptance wherein the Morgan Family conveys to Bloomingdale a 50’ wide strip of property for the widening of the portion of Wildcat Dam Road from Hwy 80 through property owned by the City of Bloomingdale. After a brief discussion of the matter, Councilman Waller made a motion to approve the conveyance of said right of way after execution of the right of way deed by the Morgan Family. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier advised council that the City had issued a mobile home permit to George Henderson of #68 Cheyenne Road on April 18th with the stipulation that the existing mobile home be removed from the property within 30 days. Mr. Henderson signed a statement agreeing to this stipulation with the understanding that only temporary electrical power would be released until the existing mobile home was removed. Then, on June 8th, Mr. Henderson contacted the City and asked for a 30-day extension due to family illness. Mayor Strozier stated that he granted the extension with the understanding the mobile home would be moved by July 12th. However, Mr. Henderson has still not moved the mobile home and is here tonight to ask for another extension. Mr. Henderson advised council that he had not been able to get the mobile home moved and the Mayor asked him how much more time he would need. Mr. Henderson asked if the mobile home could remain on the property to be used as storage and was advised that it had to be moved since the zoning ordinance did not allow us of a mobile home as storage. After a discussion of the matter by council, Mayor Strozier informed Mr. Henderson that he would be granted this one last extension and he had until September 21st to have the mobile home removed. The Mayor informed Chief Anderson to inspect the property prior to the council meeting on September 21st to make sure the mobile home was removed and if it was not gone to take the appropriate action for Mr. Henderson’s violation of the City’s zoning ordinance.
Council was informed that the City has received a request from the Department of Revenue to set the City’s millage rate for the year 2000. Councilman Johnson made a motion to set the millage rate at .10mils, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes. Councilman Waller made a motion to roll the millage rate back to zero, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.
The Mayor reported the preparation of new City maps is underway. He stated the Coastal Georgia Regional Development Center is working on the project, but since the maps are taking longer to prepare than was originally planned, a time extension on the contract needs to be approved. The completion date for the maps is now expected to be October 31, 2000. Councilman Tuten made a motion to approve the extension of the CGRDC contract for the completion date of the City maps to October 31, 2000. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier advised council that he had received a request from R.E. Bland for a lot size variance on Lot #216 that is located on Ash Street. Councilmembers reviewed the request, but agreed that since the lot only had a little over 7,000 sq. ft. and was no where near the City’s minimum lot size of 15,000 sq. ft. that the variance could not be issued.
Council discussed the request for water service for the Church of God of Prophecy to be constructed at #1501 E. Hwy 80. It was noted that the property is approximately 900’ from the existing 8” water line on Hwy 80. Mayor Strozier stated the church needs to know if it would be feasible for them to tie onto the City water. The Mayor asked that the Water/Sewer Committee consisting of Councilmembers Tuten, Johnson and Rawlins meet with representatives of the church to see if they could work out a plan to extend the water service and report back to the council at their August meeting.
Council was advised that Beth Anderson had resigned her position with the Recreation Executive Board. The Mayor reported that he had attended the July Recreation Executive Board meeting and Ben Rozier had asked to be re-appointed to the board. Council was reminded that Mr. Rozier was not re-appointed to the board at the last meeting because of numerous absences, but he stated that although his job takes him out of town quite a bit, he planned to attend as many meetings as possible. Councilman Tuten made a motion to re-appoint Ben Rozier to the board with his term to expire on June 30, 2001. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier reported we had received some correspondence from the Municipal Code Corporation requesting answers to some editorial questions that are needed before the codification of the City’s ordinances can continue. The Mayor that he would have a work session in the next couple of weeks and recommended a couple of councilmembers attend the meeting along with the City Attorney and City Clerk. Councilmembers Waller and Johnson agreed to attend the meeting to help answer these questions.
The Mayor reported that over the July 4th weekend the police department had discovered some drums along the DOT Barn Road that appeared to contain hazardous materials. The fire department had been contacted and after discussing the matter with Fire Chief Tyler, the City contacted a company that specializes in the clean up of hazardous wastes to remove the drums. The cost will be approximately $1400 and, if possible, the City needs to pursue recovery of these costs from the property owner. Mayor Strozier asked that Attorney Gerard assist with the collection of these monies from the property owner.
Chief Anderson advised council that the police department needs to make an adjustment in the uniforms that will be worn by the night officers. He is requesting approval for the removal of the patches from the sleeves of the shirts because it is too heavy. Council agreed to this modification. Chief Anderson then requested council’s approval of the promotion of Police Officer Donald Schrambeck and Police Officer Randy Waller to Corporal effective the beginning of the next pay period. Mayor Strozier asked if the police committee agreed with these promotions and was advised they that they did. Councilman Waller made a made to approve said promotions, Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier reported that Fett Burke has advised him that Ed Holsby with DOT had contacted him about the removal of some dead trees along Hwy 80 between Key Hardware and the county line. Mr. Holsby advises the trees are in the right of way and is expecting the City to take care of the cost of their removal. Fett Burke was advised to have Mr. Holsby contact Councilman Rawlins to discuss the matter.
Council was informed the City had been contacted by the DOT for location information on where the City plans to move the water/sewer lines that are located in the right of way of the proposed U.S. Hwy 80 widening project. The DOT has offered to have someone meet with elected officials and City personnel to review the proposed road location and answer questions about the relocation of our lines. Councilman Tuten stated that he would be available to meet most any time next week and the clerk was instructed to contact DOT and set up the meeting.
The Mayor advised council that the Planning Commission had not taken any action on the rezoning of Jimmy Deloach Parkway pending further investigation. After a discussion of the matter with Attorney Gerard, he pointed out that if no action was taken on the recommendation by Planning Commission within 30 days from the date of the public hearing it was considered approved. Therefore, council should table any action until their August 17th meeting.
Council was advised there needed to be an amendment to the City’s well ordinance that specifically addresses the requirement that all wells being used as a source of drinking water be installed by a state licensed well driller. This requirement would prohibit individuals from drilling shallow wells as a source of drinking water. Attorney Gerard stated he would review our current ordinance and prepare an amendment.
Mayor Strozier reported we have received the application on the $50,000 grant for the purchase of emergency equipment and a used fire pumper truck. Fire Chief Tyler has been given a copy of this application and once he completes the paperwork it will be submitted to the state.
Council was advised the City has been contacted by GEMA about a “Hurricane Preparedness Summit” to be held on August 3, 2000 from 9:00am until 5:00pm at the Savannah International Trade and Convention Center. GEMA is encouraging participation by elected officials, public safety personnel and any others involved in decision-making roles related to hurricane response activities. The Mayor stated that Fire Chief Tyler, Police Chief Anderson, and the City Clerk were planning to attend the meeting with him.
Councilman Tuten advised council that the grinder pump unit at #301 W. Garvin Street had been damaged and needed immediate repairs. It appears that the riser had been ran over and broken. The cost of replacement parts is $481 and the labor costs of $75 totaled $556. Council agreed that the property owner should be held responsible for the cost of these repairs and he should be contacted about making arrangements with the City to pay them.
Mayor Strozier stated that due to the extreme heat and unpleasant working conditions of the garbage truck workers he would like to see an adjustment in their pay when they worked all day on the garbage truck. Council agreed to add an additional $5.00 per day to their pay for these days. This increase would become effective on the next pay period and continue until further notice.
The accounts payable were reviewed and Councilman Waller made a motion to pay the bills. Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.
Being no further business, Councilman Tuten made a motion to adjourn, Councilman Rawlins seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Jones, City Clerk
Councilman Johnson Councilman Rawlins Councilman Tuten Councilman Waller
Councilmembers Key and Tyler were out of town |