May 17, 2001

 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Strozier with Councilman Waller leading in prayer.

 The minutes of the May 3rd meeting were reviewed.  Councilman Waller made a motion to approve said minutes, Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 Mayor Strozier recognized Barry W. Conner with Conner & Associates, Inc. who advised council he had recently opened an office in Savannah and expressed a desire to assist the City with any of their engineering needs.  Mr. Conner reported he had been operating in Hilton Head since 1989.


 Council was advised that the debris removal at #9 West Hwy 80 was still in progress.

 Joe Young, Recreation Director, reported that the dirt has been placed on the football field at Taylor Park and the grass is being watered on a regular basis.

 The Mayor reported that an article has appeared in the Savannah News Press encouraging any citizens of Bloomingdale that do not feel they were counted during the 2000 census to contact the City Hall right away.  Mayor Strozier pointed out that since our sales tax monies are based on population, it is important that the census figures are correct.  The Mayor stated that if we feel a significant number of citizens were not counted, we would pursue a challenge to the figures.

 Councilman Tuten stated he had talked with Dennis Baxter with the City of Pooler about their plans for the expansion of the wastewater treatment plant, but the cost figures for this project are not yet available. 

 Mayor Strozier recognized Ms. Glenda Sheley of #437 Wallace Circle who advised council she understood she was going to have to remove the second mobile home placed on her property, but she has not been able to find a buyer.  Council was informed that after last meeting a committee had met with Ms. Sheley on the possibility of her securing a permit as a “hardship” case, but it was discovered the mobile home did not meet county requirements because of its age and could not be permitted in Chatham County.  After a discussion of the matter, Councilman Waller made a motion to allow Ms. Sheley sixty (60) days to move the mobile home.  Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 Mayor Strozier asked for council’s input on the alternate route to recommend in our petition of intervention for the Cypress Natural Gas Company’s gas line installation application.  He reminded council that the information had been distributed at the last meeting for their review and after a brief discussion; Councilman Tyler made a motion to recommend the “circle of power” area in Effingham County as the preferred route.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 The Mayor recognized Junior Bragg who stated that he planned to set up the mobile home he had moved onto his property off White Drive on a permanent basis.  He informed council that he wanted to put mobile homes on all three lots and since there were already two grinder pumps available he only had to purchase one more.  Mr. Bragg advised council he wanted to extend City water to the mobile homes and the Mayor stated he could get with the water/sewer committee on the regulations concerning this extension.  Mr. Bragg also reported he planned to have all the trash hauled off from the property in the next week or so.

 Mayor Strozier asked if anyone would be available to participate in the All-America City/County Competition to be held in Atlanta in late June, but no one was available.


 Council reviewed a request from Jeffrey Boger to operate a vinyl siding business at his residence located at #107 E. Garvin Street.  The owner of the property, Alpha Turner, has given her permission for the business to be operated from this location provided the City approves the license. Mayor Strozier informed Mr. Boger that there should be no evidence of a business being operated from this location and no outside traffic would be allowed.  Based on Mr. Boger indicated that he understood these requirements, Councilman Waller made a motion to waive the public hearing requirement for the vinyl siding business located at #107 E. Garvin Street.  Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.  Councilman Johnson made a motion to issue said license, Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 Mayor Strozier advised council that the City has received the completed minor subdivision plat from Patricia Burnsed on the subdivision of her property off Pine Barren Road for council’s signatures. The Mayor pointed out the subdivision had been approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council in 1982, but was never recorded.  Council approved the reaffirmation of the minor subdivision at the April 5th meeting with the stipulation she obtain approval from the Chatham County Health Department on the subdivision.  Ms. Burnsed has obtained their approval of the subdivision and is requesting council sign the plat so it can be recorded.  Councilman Tyler made a motion to sign the plat as presented, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 Council reviewed a request for a home occupation license from Patricia McCullough at #130 Michael Street to operate a lawn care business from this location.  Ms. McCullough indicated on her application that the only vehicle used for the business would be a 1986 Chevy Pickup truck with a trailer, but it would be parked in the garage.  After a brief discussion, Councilman Tuten made a motion to waive the public hearing requirement, Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.  Councilman Johnson made a motion to issue said license, Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 Mayor Strozier recognized Doris Taylor who was requesting council’s approval for a permit to construct a 30’ x 40’ (1200 sq. ft.) garage on her property located at #316 Wallace Circle. It was noted that council must approve permits for accessory buildings when the enclosed area exceeds 500 sq. ft. Ms. Taylor stated that the building would only be used as a garage and the Mayor pointed out that it could not be used for a business.  Ms. Taylor assured the Mayor and council that no business would be operated from this structure.  Councilman Tuten made a motion to approve the building permit for the garage, Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes. 

 The Mayor informed council that due to the lack of a quorum at the Planning Commission meeting, the revision to the subdivision plat for Stagecoach Village on Godley Road submitted by East Coast Utilities would be on the agenda for the next Planning Commission meeting.  Mayor Strozier pointed out that if the Planning Commission fails to act on the request at their June 19th meeting the council could take action on the plat at the June 21st council meeting since thirty (30) days would have lapsed since it was submitted to the commission for a recommendation.

 Mayor Strozier advised council the City has received the LARP Certificate of Ownership and Agreement for the resurfacing of a 0.242-mile section of Garvin Street.  Councilman Waller made a motion for the Mayor to execute the agreement.  Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 The Mayor reported the City has received the contract from DCA on a $25,000 Local Assistance Grant from the State of Georgia for use toward the purchase of equipment for the Bloomingdale Fire Department.  Councilman Johnson made a motion authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 Mayor Strozier informed council that Dr. Gretchen Reese, principal of the Bloomingdale Elementary School, is retiring. The Mayor approved a proclamation declaring May 30, 2001, as “Dr. Gretchen Reese Day” in her honor and this will be presented to her at a surprise retirement party to be held on May 22nd.

 The Mayor presented a request from TLC Communications for council’s consideration of the placement of an antenna on the City’s water tank.  If so council is interested, TLC wants to present Powertel as a candidate for an antenna at this location.  TLC also wants to know if the City would be interested in leasing ground space for a new tower.  Councilman Johnson made a motion that TLC be instructed to present a proposal for council’s consideration to place an antenna on the water tank and/or lease property from the City for a tower.  Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 The Mayor recognized Vincent Drescher who presented a request for the paving of Drescher Road.  Mayor Strozier asked if he knew how much right of way was available, but Mr. Drescher indicated he did not know this information. The Mayor stated that unless there is at least a 50’ right of way the state will not participate in the cost of the project and it is possible that they may require 60’.  Mr. Drescher stated that he knew he could get some additional right of way on his side of the street.  He also reported he had a plat that showed something on it about the right of way and would see that City Hall got a copy.  Mayor Strozier asked Attorney Gerard to check to see if there was any right of way information on file with the county and report back at the next meeting.

 Council was advised that Recreation Director Joe Young has submitted a job description for a part-time worker for the recreation department.  The Mayor stated that our auditor indicated the salary should go through the City Hall, so it may be best to hire a full-time City employee who will work between the recreation department and the maintenance department.

 The council was informed the city has received some correspondence from RE Abolt, County Manager concerning a staff report submitted to the Chatham County Commission proposing “expense sharing” on several public services currently funded by the county.  These services include CNT, canal maintenance, and jail services.  Mr. Abolt plans to schedule a meeting with a City representative to better explain this proposal.

 The Mayor reported the City has received the contract from EPD for the annual water testing.  The contract covers a three-year period at a cost of $3625 per year.  Councilman Tuten made a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the proposed contract, Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 Council was advised that the City had been contacted by Grady Dixon from the county engineer’s department concerning correspondence they received from Wayne James concerning a problem with the embankment of the pond along Jimmy Deloach Parkway.  Mr. James stated the bank is eroding and if it continues the chain link fence separating the parkway from the pond would collapse.  Mr. Dixon indicated the problem was due to the dry conditions and would contact Mr. James with this information.  Apparently, some of the correspondence from Robert Drewry with Chatham County Public Works indicated this would Bloomingdale’s problem since it was in our City limits, but Mr. Dixon would cleared up this misunderstanding.

 Council was reminded of the meetings to be held on May 21st at the City Hall.  There will be a meeting at 6:00pm to discuss the operations of the Bloomingdale Volunteer Fire Department and one at 7:00pm with the county concerning the Conaway Canal project.

 The Mayor announced the next council meeting would be held on June 21st.

 Council was advised that the contractor doing the sewer main tie-in at Pooler Parkway indicated he wanted to do it during the day, but was informed that the original plan to do the work late at night must be followed.

 Joe Young reported that the Recreation Board plans to initiate a $10.00 fee in the future for signups occurring after the registration deadlines.  He also asked if it would be possible to include information on the water bill about signups for football.  The Mayor advised him to contact the City Hall during the billing period prior to the registration dates to see if there would be room on the bills to put the notice.

 The accounts payable were reviewed. Councilman Waller made a motion to pay the bills, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.

 Being no further business, Councilman Tuten made a motion to adjourn.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.  The meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.

                                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                                  Sandra Jones, City Clerk


 Councilman Johnson

Councilman Tuten

Councilman Tyler

Councilman Waller