May 1, 2003



The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozier with Councilman Ronald Waller leading in prayer.  The minutes of the April 17, 2003 council meeting were reviewed.  Councilman Johnson made a motion to approve said minutes, Councilman Waller seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.




Attorney Gerard reported that he was waiting on the appraisal report for the portion of the Stagecoach Road right of way that involved the Oetgen property.  The Mayor expressed concerns about some of the paved and unpaved portions of Stagecoach Road that did not line up and asked that the maintenance department place some signs in that area alerting motorists that there were off set lanes ahead.


Council was advised by Attorney Gerard that he has not yet received any information from the county regarding the changes suggested by the cities to the Inmate Service Fee Agreement.


Attorney Gerard advised council that he had reviewed the contract documents prepared by Thomas & Hutton Engineering for the Bloomingdale Pump Station Rehabilitation and had outlined some changes that needed to be made to the documents in a memo that has been distributed to council.  Attorney Gerard stated that Thomas & Hutton Engineering was requesting that the contract be signed with the understanding that the contract will reflect these changes.  Mayor Rozier agreed to sign said contract documents.


Council reviewed a proposal from Thomas & Hutton Engineering giving a more detailed outline of the scope of services that they plan to provide for the pump station replacement and the costs related to the services.  After a review of the proposal, Councilman Tyler made a motion to approve the scope of services proposal and the estimated cost figures related to these services.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes. 


Mayor Rozier reported that the City has not yet heard from Pooler regarding setting a date for a meeting with their council to discuss the Wildcat Dam Road Bridge and the Amendment to the Pooler/Bloomingdale Wastewater Facilities Agreement.  The Mayor stated that he had requested Councilman Tyler contact Thomas & Hutton Engineering about getting some cost estimates for the repairs/replacement of the bridge.  Councilman Tyler stated he should have this information at the next meeting.


Councilman Tyler advised council that he would be meeting with the members of the General Services Committee to review with them some contractor’s prices for drainage.


Council discussed with Willard Phillips the revised agreement regarding disposal of septic tank waste at the lift station.  The changes that were approved by council at the April 17th meeting were 1) A reduction of the liability insurance coverage requirement to $1,000,000 with the policy naming the City of Bloomingdale as an additional insured, 2) A disposal fee of $100 per load, 3) Authorization for the City of Bloomingdale to conduct random pH level testing as well as other testing deemed necessary, and 4) A stipulation that the agreement can be terminated by the City without cause with 90 days notice.  Mr. Phillips was advised that the City was in the process of obtaining specific cost estimates for the testing of the materials that would be disposed of at the lift station.  Council was reminded that the temporary agreement with Mr. Phillips expires on May 3, 2003.  Willard Phillips advised council that he could not afford $100 a load to dump the septic tank waste and it would not be economically feasible for him to remain in business if he had to pay that much for the disposal costs along with paying for fuel and labor.  Councilman Johnson asked him if he had talked with the City of Pooler about using their facility and Mr. Phillips stated Dennis Baxter had advised him that they did not allow this type disposal at their facility although someone mentioned that Roto-Rooter dumped their waste in Pooler.  Councilman Johnson asked if Mr. Phillips had obtained any cost estimates on the additional insurance, but was advised that he had not gotten any prices.  Mrs. Phillips pointed out that they felt the $100,000 liability insurance coverage should be enough, but was reminded that the insurance would cover the City of Bloomingdale should they dispose of anything into the wastewater stream that caused problems with the treatment.  Council discussed the matter at length.  Councilman Tyler suggested this matter be referred to the water/sewer committee rather than trying to work out a solution at the council meeting.  The Mayor asked Mr. Phillips what amount he felt he could pay for the disposal of the septic tank waste and Mr. Phillips stated he would like to see the fee set at no more than $50.  Councilman Tyler made a motion that the matter be referred to the water/sewer committee to bring back a recommendation to council and that the temporary agreement with Mr. Phillips to allow him to dispose of his septic tank waste at the lift station be extended for sixty (60) days.  Councilman Waller seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes. 


Mayor Rozier stated that there were two items on the agenda that were to be presented by Councilman Wedincamp and they included 1) a proposal for requirement/costs for installation of pipes in drainage ditches for walkways and 2) a proposal on fees for dumpster service for commercial customers.  The Mayor pointed out that a copy of the proposed fees for dumpster service had been distributed for council’s consideration.  Councilman Tyler made a motion to table discussion on these items since Councilman Wedincamp was not at tonight’s meeting.  Councilman Ray seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.


The Mayor advised members that since Councilman Myrick was not at tonight’s meeting, the council may want to table action on the law enforcement philosophy that has been under review for several weeks.  Councilman Ray stated that he would like to go ahead and take action on this matter and made a motion to approve the law enforcement philosophy as presented by the sub-committee.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.


Mayor Rozier presented the proposed substance abuse policy for council’s consideration.   Attorney Gerard stated that he needed to know if council wanted to include random testing for all employees or only those employees in certain positions.  Council members agreed they would like to see the testing for all employees.  After additional discussion, Councilman Tyler made a motion to approve the substance abuse policy as prepared by Attorney Gerard with random testing to apply to all employees.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.  Attorney Gerard stated that council would need to make arrangements with an agency to do the testing and suggested checking with other cities to see who they used.


Attorney Gerard stated he was still reviewing the deeds of the property owners on Perry Road who have petitioned the City to accept this road as a City street.


Council was advised that the City did not receive any bids on the surplus radar units and agreed that although the units were still being used their surplus status would remain intact to allow for the selling of the units should funds become available to purchase new ones.  It was noted that the units would have to be sold for at least the minimum price set by council of $750 each.


Attorney Gerard reported that when he notified the county of Bloomingdale’s intentions to annex the International Paper Parcels, he was advised by County Attorney Jonathan Hart that approximately 2.2 miles of Little Neck Road as well as two substandard non-maintained outfall ditches south of John Carter Road were owned by Chatham County.




Council was advised that the City has received a request from Martin Collins for a home occupation license to operate the office only of his electrical contracting business from his residence located at #369 Adams Road.  Since Mr. Collins did not renew the license last year, council will need to approve issuance of the license and they have the option to waive the public hearing requirement.  After a brief discussion, Councilman Waller made a motion to waive the public hearing requirement.  Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.  Councilman Tyler made a motion to issue the home occupation license to Mr. Collins for the office of his electrical contracting business to be located at his residence, Councilman Ray seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.


Mayor Rozier stated the City had received a request from the DOT to execute documents for the resurfacing of 0.231 miles of Oak Street under the LARP program.  After a brief discussion, Councilman Johnson made a motion to authorize Mayor Rozier to execute said documents.  Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.


The accounts payable were reviewed.  Councilman Tyler made a motion to pay the bills.  Councilman Waller seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.


Councilman Tyler advised council that the fire department would be burning a house on Cherry Street on May 10, 2003 as a training exercise.


Councilman Tyler stated that he had some questions regarding the connection of water and electrical power at the City lot across the street, but since this matter was not on the agenda, the matter was tabled until it could be placed on a future agenda.


Mayor Rozier reported that the Patriotic Celebration would be held on Sunday, June 29th at Taylor Park.


The Mayor recognized Albert Ward who stated that he had some questions regarding development of property off Adams Road.  Mayor Rozier advised Mr. Ward that he would need to present these questions, in writing, to the City Hall to be directed to the appropriate committees for review.  Mayor Rozier pointed out that since Mr. Ward had not requested to be placed on tonight’s agenda, the questions would have to be handled in this manner.


Being no further business, Councilman Waller made a motion to adjourn at 8:05pm.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with four affirmative votes.


Mayor Rozier and council members Johnson, Ray, Tyler and Waller were present at the meeting.