Council Meeting April 19, 2001
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Strozier with Councilman Waller leading in prayer.
The minutes of the April 5th meeting were reviewed. Councilman Tyler made a motion to approve said minutes, Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Council was advised that the structure at #9 W. Hwy 80 had been burned by the fire department this week and a discussion was held on removal of the debris. Fett Burke reported that the most of the debris consisted of tin, brick from the fireplace and some concrete. The Mayor asked if he would contact Zeke Boatright to see if he wanted the brick and concrete for his place at the river. Mr. Burke stated that the City crews could clear the remaining debris without the use of a dumpster.
Councilman Johnson stated he had given Sharon Johnson the outline of the requirements for the subdividing of her property located at #1436 W. Hwy 80. Council was reminded that Ms. Johnson wanted to open a feed/seed business behind her residence, but before council pursued an amendment to the zoning ordinance we needed to make sure she could meet these subdivision requirements since only once principal building is allowed per tract of land. The matter was tabled until we heard from Ms. Johnson.
The Mayor reported that Councilman Tuten was trying to set up a meeting with the property owners about the right of way on Stagecoach Road, but Richard Meyer has been out of town.
Mayor Strozier stated that he and the city clerk had met with Kay Sapp after our last council meeting and informed her of council’s decision to provide funds for the seniors living within the city limits of Bloomingdale to attend the Pooler-Bloomingdale Senior Citizens Center two days a week. The Mayor reported that letters had also been sent out to each of the Bloomingdale seniors that had been attending the center to advise them of this decision.
Council was advised that the work on the football field at Taylor Park had not been done as previously scheduled, but plans were underway to work on the field tomorrow.
The Mayor reported a pre-construction conference had been held this week on the force main relocation at Pooler Parkway. Council was advised that since the lift station will have to be shut down the plan is to do the actual tie-in of the line around midnight.
Attorney Gerard reported that he had not yet been contacted by Ms. Sparrow’s attorney concerning the preparation of the easement for the Brannen’s property on Cregor Street.
Council was advised that Attorney Gerard has review the bid proposals for the 2001 paving project and recommends we accept the bid of $406,001.51 from Carroll & Carroll, Inc. Councilman Rawlins made a motion to accept the bid from Carroll & Carroll, Inc., Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier reported that he had talked with Dale Hendrix with Hendrix Machinery about the possibility of delaying the payment for the John Deere mower until after July 1st, but was advised they could not postpone the billing that long. Based on this information, Councilman Tyler made a motion to amend the 2000/2001 budget to include the purchase of the John Deere mower at a cost of $17,049. Councilman Rawlins seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes. The Mayor presented a proposed amendment to Bloomingdale’s Charter to council for this consideration. The amendment would increase the limit of the authority of the Municipal Court Judge to impose sentences or imprisonment or community service for violations of any law or ordinances of the City from sixty days to six months and to increase fines for these offenses from $500 to $1000. After a brief discussion, Councilman Johnson made a motion to approve the first reading of said amendment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rawlins and passed with five affirmative votes.
Council was advised the City had received a revision to the subdivision plat of East Coast Utilities, Inc. The subdivision is located on Godley Road and includes a 60’ access road to an additional lot consisting of 1.47 acres. The Mayor stated the revision would be forwarded to the Planning Commission for approval.
Mayor Strozier reported the City had received a request from RE Bland to open a portion of Boulevard Street far enough to obtain a building permit for Lot #277. Council was advised that the original subdivision on this area had been approved in 1981, but this portion of Boulevard Street was not opened at that time. The Mayor reminded Mr. Bland that the drainage plan submitted and approved by council on this subdivision included a drainage ditch and some piping that had not been done. Mr. Bland stated that the drainage plan submitted in 1981 was based on a proposal by H.B. Waller to subdivide his property in the same area, but this had not been pursued. The Mayor advised Mr. Bland that before council could approve his request to open Boulevard Street, he would have to present an alternate drainage plan for council’s approval. Mayor Strozier pointed out that the City would have to make sure the existing homes would be protected against drainage problems that may occur with the opening of this street. Mr. Bland stated he wanted to make sure the City realized he only wanted to open the street far enough for an adequate driveway to the lot and did not plan to pave the road. The Mayor advised him council understood his request, but nothing could be done until submission and approval of the alternate drainage plan. The matter was tabled until the May 3rd council meeting.
The Mayor presented a request from GMA to appoint designated proxies to vote and act as agents on behalf of the City at the Annual Meeting of the membership of GMEBS, WCSIF and GIRMA on June 24th. Councilman Waller made a motion to approve said request, Councilman Rawlins seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier reported that plans were underway to hold a work session/special meeting on May 5, 2001 to review proposed capital expenditures for all departments for inclusion in the 2001/2002 budget and to discuss upcoming projects for the next fiscal year. All elected officials, department heads, the city attorney and the judge will be invited to attend. The meeting will start at 10:00am and will be held at the river house of Donny Tuten located at the end of Pine Street in Eden. The Mayor pointed out that notice would be sent to the newspaper about the meeting.
Council was reminded of the “Stand-up for America Day” festivities to be held in Port Wentworth on April 28th.
The Mayor stated that the maintenance and police departments had experienced an incident with Carroll Rush at #314 Conaway Road about a tree that had fallen from his property across the ditch and onto the roadway. Apparently someone had removed the debris from the roadway but had placed it in the ditch. When Mr. Rush had been contacted about removing the debris from the ditch he stated he did not plan to remove the debris and had turned the matter over to his attorney. After a discussion of the problem, Attorney Gerard was asked to write to Mr. Rush and advise him of his obligation to remove the debris. Council was advised videotape of the incident was available for their review after the meeting.
Mayor Strozier recognized George Wingate who stated he was concerned about a dead tree located on the lot next to his property possibly falling onto the power lines going to his house. Mr. Wingate stated that the lot is overgrown and is an eyesore. The Mayor informed him that the tax digest shows the owner of the property lives in Warner Robbins. Mayor Strozier asked the maintenance department to look into the situation and see if it would be possible for the City to push the tree down onto the property to avoid having it fall onto the power lines. The Mayor suggested that if this was not possible, we could contact the power company and advise them of the situation.
The Mayor reported he had received a request from Terry Landon to serve on the Bloomingdale Recreation Executive Board and suggested he be appointed to the board. Councilwoman Key made a motion to approve his appointment to said board, Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
The accounts payable were reviewed. Councilman Waller made a motion to approve payment of the bills, Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Being no further business, Councilman Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Jones, City Clerk
Councilman Johnson Councilwoman Key Councilman Rawlins Councilman Tyler Councilman Waller