Council Meeting April 5, 2001
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Strozier who lead in prayer.
The minutes of the March 15th meeting were reviewed. Councilman Rawlins made a motion to approve said minutes, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier opened the bid for the surplus 1995 Ford Crown Victoria. Larry Ross submitted a bid of $3009.99. Councilman Tyler made a motion to accept the bid from Mr. Ross for $3009.99, the motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and passed with five affirmative votes.
The Mayor reported we had received a request from the Church of God of the Prophecy for a well permit for the structure being constructed at #1501 E. Hwy 80. Council was reminded that the church had wanted to tie into City water, but we had not yet secured easements from the property owners to run the waterline to the church property. The church indicated they were now at the point in their construction where they needed the water. Councilman Tyler made a motion to approve the well permit, Councilman Rawlins seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes. Mayor Strozier stated that the City would continue to pursue getting the easements so the waterline could be extended east on Hwy 80. Attorney Gerard stated that he has prepared the easements for the signatures of the property owners.
Council was advised that the bid from Walter Sapp Roofing Co. covered the same type shingles that were already on City Hall and he has completed the replacement of the roof.
The Mayor informed council that the police department reports Randy Hackle has moved the tank and equipment related to his business from his property on Pine Barren Road.
Councilman Tyler reported that the fire department has scheduled the burning of the structure at #9 W. Hwy 80 for April 14, 2001.
Mayor Strozier reported that he and Councilman Johnson had both been to the property of Terry and Sharon Johnson to see if it would be possible to divide it for use as a feed/seed business, but they had not been able to go together. They advised Ms. Johnson they planned to check the property tomorrow.
Councilman Tuten stated he was still in the process of obtaining prices for the survey work on the widening of Stagecoach Road.
Ernest Grizzard advised council that the water level on our wells had just been checked and they would be check again in late summer. This action should comply with EPD’s suggestion we monitor our water supply by testing our water levels on a regular basis.
Attorney Gerard reported that he checked with area engineering firms and was advised that the subdivisions they are preparing included a utility easement separate from road access easements. He pointed out that the utility easements could run parallel to the access easements. Mayor Strozier stated that based on this information he felt the City should not approve the use of combined access/utility easements for roads being developed for the purpose of subdividing property. Council agreed that the City should continue their current policy of requiring 60’ access easements separate from utility easements.
Attorney Gerard stated he had talked with the county engineer about the possibility of Bloomingdale’s being granted jurisdiction over the portion of the Jimmy Deloach Parkway running through the City so we could issue permits for medians and curb cuts and was discouraged from doing. Mr. Bungard indicated the road was built with the intent that it would become part of the state road system so the maintenance and upkeep of the road would be assumed by the state. He pointed out that if the county and its staff managed the entire highway rather than granting management authority to Bloomingdale, Savannah and Pooler, for the portion of the road going through each city, the road has a better chance of achieving state road status. Mr. Bungard stated that Pooler obtained jurisdiction of the Pooler Parkway because they had illegally installed a curb cut thinking they owned the right of way. After this happened, the county recommended that the city simply take jurisdiction over the whole road because the county did not want the liability attached to the curb cut installed by the City of Pooler. Council discussed the matter at length and agreed the City of Bloomingdale did not want jurisdiction over the Jimmy Deloach Parkway due to the cost of its maintenance and upkeep. Mike Wedincamp asked who he would have to go to for a curb cut to his property and was advised that, at this time, the county controlled this process.
Council was advised the City was still waiting for confirmation from EPD on an increase of our water withdrawal permit.
Ms. Sparrow presented council with the quit claim deeds for the property along Cregor Street, but stated that she was not able to get these deeds from the Brannens. She reported that the Brannens indicated they would only sign an easement for the property, but Attorney Gerard advised her the one they had prepared was not a legally binding document. Council discussed the matter and agreed to allow the opening of the roadway with an easement from the Brannens. Attorney Gerard stated that before the signatures are obtained from the Brannens he needed to approve the wording of the easement. Councilman Tyler made a motion to accept an executed easement as approved by Attorney Gerard for the portion of the road abutting the Brannen’s property, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes. Ms. Sparrow stated she had the subdivision plat to submit to council, but was advised that this plat would have to go through Planning Commission for approval once the signatures on the easement were obtained and the road has been opened to City specifications. It was also pointed out that the notation on the plat indicating Cregor Street was an unopened road should be taken off because the roadway would be an open road once it was prepared to City specifications and accepted by the City. The matter was tabled until Ms. Sparrow secured all of the signatures of the Brannens on the easement and submitted it to the City Attorney.
The council discussed the Pooler-Bloomingdale Senior Citizens Center issue and agreed that the City should offer some type compensation for seniors from Bloomingdale wanting to attend the center. After a discussion of the matter, Councilman Johnson made a motion to pay the $7.00 per day cost for two days a week for seniors living within our City limits to attend the center. Councilwoman Key seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Council was advised we had received four (4) bids on the 2001 paving projects. The bids ranged from $406,001.51 to $680,819.17. Attorney Gerard stated that the three lowest bidders needed to provide some additional information for review prior to his recommendation on which bid to accept. Councilman Rawlins made a motion to authorize Attorney Gerard to request this additional information on behalf of the City, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
The Mayor presented a request from Kevin & Kay Heritage for the renewal of the “hardship case” mobile home permit for their property located at #1230 Bloomingdale Road. The Heritages have provided a copy of a letter from the physician stating Kay’s mother still needs close supervision for medical reasons. Councilwoman Key made a motion to extend the mobile home permit for six months, Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
At the request the Savannah-Chatham County Fair Housing Council, Mayor Strozier proclaimed April 2001 as “Fair Housing Month” in Bloomingdale.
Council was advised we had received the contract documents from our engineer with Douglas Asphalt Co. on the force main relocation as approved by Chatham County on the Pooler Parkway project. Councilman Tuten made a motion to authorize the Mayor to execute said documents on behalf of the City. Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Council reviewed a request from Antonio R. Guerrero to transfer his home occupation license issued in January 2001 to his new residence located at #311 Cherry Street. Mr. Guerrero operates a lawn care business and understands the same restrictions that applied to his previous residence will be required at his new location. Councilman Rawlins made a motion to approve said transfer, Councilwoman Key seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
The Mayor presented a request from Jeff McBride for a variance of the setback requirements for the construction of a new residence at Moore & Maple Streets. Mr. McBride’s lot is 100’ on Maple Street by 200’ on Moore Street and he wants the house to face Moore Street. Council was reminded the current zoning ordinance requires a 35’ front yard and a 25’ rear yard setback, but Mr. McBride is proposing a 25’ front yard and a 19’ rear yard setback. This is a total of 17’ less than the current setback requirements. Mayor Strozier stated he had looked at the area in question and feels the setbacks proposed by Mr. McBride would be compatible with the other homes in the neighborhood. He pointed out that this area consists of several older homes and there is no pattern to the current setbacks. After a discussion of the request by council, Councilman Tyler made a motion to approve the variance to 25’ for the front yard setback and 19’ for the rear yard setback on the lot owned by Mr. McBride at Maple and Moore Streets. Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Council reviewed a request from Brian Paul for a recombination of his property at #250 Adams Road to include a 41.6’ strip that contains his concrete driveway. This strip would be taken from property owned by his mother, Kay Paul. After a brief discussion, Councilman Johnson made a motion to approve the recombination for Brian Paul, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
The Mayor presented a request from Patricia Burnsed to reaffirm the subdivision of her property on Pine Barren Road. Council was advised this minor subdivision was approved by Planning Commission and City Council in 1982, but the property owner failed to have it recorded. Two mobile homes have been placed on the property, but for both to remain when she sells the property, this minor subdivision must be recorded. It was pointed out that under current regulations that did not exist in 1982, the subdivision requires approval from the Chatham County Health Department although the septic tanks already exist on the property. Councilman Rawlins made a motion to reaffirm the minor subdivision of Ms. Burnsed’s property provided she obtains approval from the Chatham County Health Department. Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Council reviewed a request from Dixie Williams for the subdivision of her property off Adams Road that only has 160’ road frontage but is over 1100’ deep. The subdivision ordinance requires lots without public sewer to have at least 125’ road frontage, however, the zoning ordinances states a minimum of 25’ frontage on a public right of way is required for issuance of a building permit. Mayor Strozier stated that he feels this 25’ frontage requirement was included in the ordinance to address this type situation—one where a large parcel has limited road frontage. He pointed out that the tract could only be divided into two lots. Councilman Johnson made a motion to approve the subdivision of the lot with the 25’ road frontage being part of the back lot with the understanding the subdivision would have to be approved by the Chatham County Health Department. Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Council reviewed a request from David Tyler for a minor subdivision of his property at West Garvin Street and an unopened portion of Hickory Street. Council discussed the matter and agreed to consider the subdivision provided Mr. Tyler presented quit claim deeds to the road right of way from property owners whose land abutted the unopened portion of Hickory Street and he opened the street to City specifications.
Council was advised the police department has received notice of condemnation of two vehicles: a 1970 Oldsmobile Delta and a 1977 Datsun 280 ZX. After a discussion of the vehicles by council, Councilman Tuten made a motion to consider the vehicles as surplus and set the minimum selling price at $500 each. Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes. Chief Anderson asked if the vehicles could be sold without the bidding process and was advised by Attorney Gerard that they could since they were valued at no more than $500.
Chief Anderson advised council that due to problems obtaining the services of persons to draw blood for investigation purposes and independent testing in DUI cases, he had sent two of his officers to be trained to perform this procedure. He pointed out that Attorney Gerard had checked with our insurance company and advised him we were covered for any liability related to said procedure. It was noted that the officers would only be used as a “last resort’ and that they could not draw the blood if they were connected to the case in any way.
The Mayor reported that Ms. Blackburn has contacted the City Hall about a strip of land between her and Ben Rozier’s properties on Adams Road that she says Paul Yates is planning to clear. Ms. Blackburn is questioning his right to clear this area. She contacted Chatham County who indicated it was part of Mr. Yates tract and that their records did not show this as being a public right of way. Mayor Strozier stated that if the parcel were part of Mr. Yates’ property, he would have the right to clear it with the proper permits.
Council was advised that the City was considering holding a budget/planning workshop on either May 5th or 12th and the Mayor needed to know which date was the best for most of the council. May 5th was set as a tentative date and councilmembers were asked to advise the clerk if this date is all right with them.
Fett Burke asked if council would consider allowing the maintenance department to purchase the John Deere mower that they have been looking at for several weeks. He pointed out that this equipment would provide a more efficient way to keep the grass cut in the City and may eliminate the need for some extra help during grass cutting season. The cost of the mower is approximately $17,000 and comes with a two-year warranty. After discussing the matter, council agreed to purchase the mower and authorized Mayor Strozier to work out something with the dealer to delay payment until adoption of the 2001/2002 budget or enter into a temporary lease plan. Councilman Tyler made a motion to take said action, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Recreation Director Joe Young advised council that there were some mechanical problems with the Massey Ferguson tractor and the maintenance department was instructed to have someone check on the tractor. Council was advised that the maintenance department was scheduled to do some work on the football field at Taylor Park tomorrow.
Mayor Strozier expressed his concern that the members of the Recreation Executive Board are not attending their regularly scheduled meetings. He stated that he came to City Hall on Monday night and no one showed up but Joe Young. The Mayor stated he had been advised that many of the members were coaching ball teams, but this matter had been discussed last summer and they were asked to schedule games and practices around the board meeting. The Mayor asked Attorney Gerard if we were required to have a recreation executive board and was advised that the City had adopted ordinances for operation of a recreation program, but changes could be made to the existing operation by amending the ordinance. Mayor Strozier asked that this matter be tabled for further discussion and council agreed.
Chief Anderson and Fett Burke reported there have been some problems with the dumping of trash along the Harden Canal and asked that the City consider putting up gates at Wildcat Dam Road and Osteen Road. The matter was tabled for future discussion.
The accounts payable were reviewed. Councilman Tuten made a motion to pay the bills, Councilwoman Key seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
Being no further business, Councilman Rawlins made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Jones, City Clerk
Those present:
Councilman Johnson Councilwoman Key Councilman Rawlins Councilman Tuten Councilman Tyler