April 17, 2003



The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozier with Councilman Ray leading in prayer.  The minutes of the April 3, 2003 meeting were reviewed.  Councilman Waller made a motion to approve said minutes, Councilman Myrick seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.




Mayor Rozier advised council that the appraisal of the portion of Stagecoach Road which the Meyer family will be conveying to the City for the establishment of the new Stagecoach Road is valued at $85,500 compared to the $27,000 for the old portion of the roadway the City will deed to them.  Attorney Gerard stated that he was still waiting for information on the Oetgen family’s appraisal.


Attorney Gerard stated that he had not heard anything from the county regarding the Inmate Service Fee Agreement.


The Mayor reported that Pooler has not yet advised him of a meeting date that will be convenient for their council to meet with Bloomingdale officials to discuss the Wildcat Dam Road Bridge and the Amendment to the Pooler/Bloomingdale Wastewater Facilities Agreement issues.


Mayor Rozier stated that since Councilman Tyler was not present at tonight’s meeting, he did not have an update on the replacement of the lift station.  Councilman Wedincamp advised council that he felt the City should keep the motors and other equipment that was going to be replaced at the lift station rather than giving it to the contractor or discarding it.  After a brief discussion, Councilman Wedincamp made a motion to palletize the motors and other salvageable materials being replaced at the Maple Street Lift Station and store these items at the maintenance department for use by the City or to declare as surplus and advertise for sale at a future date.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.


Council discussed the minor subdivision of an 11.36 acre tract located on Main/Moore/Hickory Streets as requested by Phillips Properties.  Council was reminded that the Planning & Zoning Commission had recommended the approval of the minor subdivision with a 21’ road frontage variance at the March 20th council meeting; however, questions had been raised by council about the property boundaries extending to the unopened portion of Moore Street and ½ of the unopened portion of Hickory Street.  Council was advised that according to Attorney Gerard’s research of real estate records in the Chatham County Courthouse, the portions of Moore Street & Hickory Street running through the property were never dedicated to Bloomingdale and have never been open or maintained by the City.  Attorney Gerard pointed out that the original development plans for Bloomingdale do not show Moore Street extending westward from Hickory Street.  Based on his findings, Attorney Gerard advised council that the boundaries on the survey plat for Phillips Properties are accurate.  Council then discussed the request for the variance of 21’ since the road frontage on Hickory and Moore Streets only totals approximately 75’ and the subdivision ordinance requires 100’ road frontage.  Mayor Rozier recognized Ron Boykin who was attending the meeting on behalf of Mr. Phillips and asked him what plans Mr. Phillips had for the property.  Mr. Boykin stated that Mr. Phillips planned to divide the tract into three parcels and place some nice homes on the lots.  Councilman Ray pointed out that there is not enough road frontage to divide the lot any further.  Mr. Boykin was also advised that the minor subdivision ordinance only allows the property to be divided into three (3) parcels and any additional subdivision would have to meet the requirements of a major subdivision.  It was noted that the approval of this subdivision would already be creating two (2) of the three (3) parcels allowed in a minor subdivision.  Mr. Boykin stated that Mr. Phillips planned to open Hickory and Moore Streets to obtain the necessary road frontage.  Councilman Johnson asked if Mr. Phillips had already gotten approval from the owner of the property abutting the unopened portion of Hickory Street to open the street, but Mr. Boykin stated he did not know if they had agreed to provide that right of way.  Mr. Boykin was advised that the developer would have to open the streets to City specifications.  Attorney Gerard advised council that the only issue they needed to address tonight was whether or not to approve the minor subdivision of the 11.36 acre tract into two parcels with a variance of 21’ for the road frontage on Parcel “B” since any other subdivision of the property would have to comply with whatever ordinances were appropriate. 

Councilman Johnson made a motion to approve a minor subdivision submitted by Phillips Properties for property located at Main/Moore/Hickory Streets with a 21’ road frontage variance for Parcel “B” provided any further division of said property complies with the City’s Subdivision Ordinance.  Councilman Waller seconded the motion.  The motion passed with Councilmen Johnson, Myrick, and Waller voting for the motion and Councilmen Ray and Wedincamp voting against the motion.


Council discussed the revised agreement presented by Attorney Gerard regarding the disposal of septic tank waste into the City’s lift station by Willard Phillips.  It was noted that the verbal agreement with Mr. Phillips will expire on May 3, 2003 and in order for Mr. Phillips to continue using the lift station for disposal a formal agreement will have to be executed at the May 1st council meeting.  After a discussion of the revised agreement, Councilman Waller made a motion to approve said agreement to include the following:  1) Liability insurance coverage of $1,000,000 naming the City of Bloomingdale as additional insured; 2)  A disposal fee of $100 per load; 3)  Authorization for the City of Bloomingdale to conduct random pH level testing as well as other testing deemed necessary; and 4)  A stipulation that the agreement can be terminated by the City without cause with 90 days notice.  Councilman Myrick seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.  Attorney Gerard was asked to get a copy of the revised agreement to Mr. Phillips for his review prior to the May 1st meeting.


Councilman Wedincamp asked that information on a proposal for requirements and costs for installation of pipes in drainage ditches for walkways be tabled until the next meeting.


Council was advised that, at the City’s request, Republic Waste Services has submitted a proposal on their rates to provide dumpster service through the City of Bloomingdale to commercial customers.  Mayor Rozier pointed out that the General Services Committee will review this information and present a recommendation to council on May 1st regarding the fees that would be charged to those customers who want to use dumpsters rather than multiple carts.


Councilman Myrick asked if council members had reviewed the report from the sub-committee on a proposed law enforcement philosophy for the Bloomingdale Police Department.  Some members stated that they had not completed their study of the proposal, so Councilman Myrick requested this matter be tabled until the May 1st meeting.


Mayor Rozier reported that Robert & Kim Coker were given a hand delivered notice on April 4, 2003 to have their mobile home moved from Taylor Park by August 1, 2003.




The Mayor stated that at a called meeting held on April 11, 2003, the City Council voted to approve the introduction of legislation for the City’s annexation of approximately 1700 acres of International Paper property.  However, the legislation was not introduced, so the request will be handled through petitions presented by the property owner to Chatham County.  Mayor Rozier informed council that it is his understanding the petitions will be presented at the Chatham County Commission meeting on May 2, 2003.  Council was reminded that their approval on April 11th of the annexation plan required that the final agreement with the City of Savannah on providing water/sewer service to the Bloomingdale/Savannah boundary be completed prior to annexation.


Council reviewed a resolution authorizing the submission of the City of Bloomingdale’s Comprehensive Solid Waste Short-term Work Plan to the Coastal Georgia Regional Development Commission and the Department of Community Affairs for the review process.  After a brief discussion, Councilman Ray made a motion to approve said resolution.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.


Council reviewed and took action on the following recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission:


1)      The Planning Commission recommended the denial of the rezoning petition presented by Sidney Key for two lots on Miller Street to be rezoned from R-1 to R-2.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to accept their recommendation to deny the petition.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.

2)      The Planning Commission recommended the approval of the minor subdivision submitted by Forrest Floyd for lots located at Highway 80 and Oak Street.  Councilman Waller made a motion to approve the minor subdivision submitted by Mr. Floyd.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.

3)      Council discussed the recommendation from the Planning Commission that they consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to require facades on metal buildings along Highway 80 and major arteries of the City.  It was noted that the best way to develop this type plan would be to review the ordinances of other cities that had similar requirements and decide which would best meet the needs of Bloomingdale.  The Mayor suggested we task the Planning Commission with this project.  Councilman Ray made a motion that the Planning & Zoning Commission study zoning ordinances from other communities regarding their requirements for facades on metal buildings and prepare a proposed plan for council’s review and consideration as an amendment the City’s zoning ordinance to require facades on Highway 80 and other major arteries in Bloomingdale.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.

4)      The Planning Commission recommended that a quarterly newsletter be sent to inform citizens of solid waste information and other matters of information concerning the City.  Questions were raised by some council members about the need to send the newsletter on a quarterly basis unless we have enough information to warrant the cost.  Council was informed that newsletters are sent out a couple of times a year and prior to publishing the information, the recreation, police, and fire departments are contacted, however, if the Planning Commission has information to be included it can be submitted to City Hall.  Wayne Tipton stated that the City needed to get information out to citizens regarding recycling opportunities and was advised that the citizens have been informed of these opportunities on a regular basis.  Council members discussed the recommendation and agreed that the City would continue to send out newsletters on its current schedule, but encouraged any department having information to submit it to the City Hall.


Council reviewed a request from Gene Autrey for a recombination of three (3) lots he owns off Highway 80 into one (1) lot.  After a brief discussion, Councilman Ray made a motion to approve the recombination for Mr. Autrey.  Councilman Myrick seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.


Mayor Rozier stated that he wanted the City to seriously consider adoption of a substance abuse policy and council had received additional copies of one that Attorney Gerard had distributed last year.  The Mayor asked that council review the policy and be prepared to discuss it at the May 1st meeting.


The Mayor advised council that the City had received a petition from property owners on Perry Road wanting to deed their rights to the roadway to the City of Bloomingdale.  Council was informed that the roadway would have to meet the City’s requirements on width and drainage prior to their acceptance of the road.  Some concerns were raised about the drainage of the roadway.  Mayor Rozier advised the citizens that the council would take their request under advisement, but Attorney Gerard would need some time to research their deeds to determine exactly how much right of way was available and then council would have to determine if the roadway was acceptable in its current condition.  The matter was tabled until the research could be completed.


Mayor Rozier informed the council and citizens that the City Hall would be closed on Friday, April 18th in observance of Good Friday.


The Mayor announced that there would be a fundraising cookout by the Yesterday and Tomorrow Club on Friday, April 25th and Saturday, April 26th.  The group will be selling dinners and Boston Butts.  The proceeds will go to benefit the Pooler/Bloomingdale Senior Citizens and the Recreation Dept.  It was pointed out that there had already been a $500 donation toward this benefit.


The accounts payable were reviewed.  Councilman Waller made a motion to pay the bills.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes. 


Being no further business, Councilman Waller made a motion to adjourn at 8:00pm.  Councilman Ray seconded the motion and it passed with five affirmative votes.


Mayor Rozier and Councilmen Johnson, Myrick, Ray, Waller and Wedincamp were present at the meeting.