COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 2001
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Strozier with Councilman Waller leading in prayer.
The Mayor presented the minutes of the January 18, 2001 council meeting for review. Councilman Rawlins made a motion to approve said minutes, Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.
Fire Chief Ferman Tyler reported the demolition of the structure at #9 Chestnut Street was still scheduled for February 10th. Attorney Gerard reported that in order for the City to execute the paperwork required for the Georgia Fire Academy to be involved in the burning of this structure, the wording would have to be changed. Attorney Gerard stated he had gotten approval for these changes, but needed Fire Chief Tyler to contact their representative to work out the details. Fire Chief Tyler stated he would follow up on this matter, but the Bloomingdale Volunteer Fire Department would proceed with the burning of this structure even if the details cannot be worked out prior to February 10th.
Council was advised that Lewis Newton had signed the drainage/maintenance easements for the ditches located on his property off Elm Street.
The Mayor reported the construction work at #208 E. Hwy 80 (old Last Resort Building) was being done by the proposed tenant. The building inspector has determined that a building permit is not required based on the information that she provided the City. The proposed tenant, Barbara Harden, is planning to operate a lawn care business from the building. Ms. Harden currently has a home occupation business located at #1521 Pine Barren Road. Council discussed the matter and determined that she needed to submit a parking plan for this business for their approval prior to the issuance of the occupational license. Councilman Tyler made a motion to require the presentation and approval of said plan, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.
Chief Anderson reported he had talked with the tenants on Hickory Street about the problems with placing loose garbage in 55-gallon drums and advised them of the City’s garbage ordinance requirements. Mayor Strozier asked that the police department continue to monitor the situation and follow-up on the matter if necessary.
Mayor Strozier stated that after an inspection of the football field at Taylor Park it was determined that the City crews, along with possible recreation department volunteers, could make the necessary improvements so the fields could be used this fall. The Mayor pointed out that the only problem seems to be the uneven surface and the maintenance crew should be able to correct this situation. Council agreed this work needed to be done before the grass starts to grow and the Mayor encouraged Councilman Tuten and Fett Burke to pursue this project as soon as possible.
Mayor Strozier informed council that Attorney Gerard had responded to questions from the City about the telecommunications antenna and tower ordinance by providing an outline of the regulations as they pertained to placement of this type equipment in specific zoning districts. The Mayor stated that based on this information, it appears the ordinance provides the type control sought by the City and addresses the concerns voiced by members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. He encouraged councilmembers to review the ordinance and Attorney Gerard’s letter before our next meeting. The Mayor instructed the clerk to send copies of this information to the Planning Commission members and ask that they review it prior to their February 20th meeting so any additional questions or comments could be discussed at that time.
Council was advised that the minor subdivision plat submitted by Wayne Tipton at the January 18th meeting had been corrected and signed.
The Mayor reported to council that the lettering and lighting work on the caboose had been completed and he has received numerous compliments on how nice it looks.
Council was informed that the police committee had met and discussed Chief Anderson’s request that the police department participate in the State of Georgia Law Enforcement Certification Program. On behalf of the committee, Councilman Waller made a motion to recommend participation in the program and approval of the $250 application fee. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier advised council that the City had received the signed contract from DOT on the paving projects and he asked that Attorney Gerard proceed with the advertising of bids. The Mayor pointed out that the contract should include specific instructions that all water valves in the project area should be raised. Attorney Gerard asked the clerk to furnish him with a copy of the DOT contract as soon as possible.
The Mayor reported that after several attempts to change the date of the Patriotic Celebration from late June to May so the event could be held in cooler weather and with less chance of afternoon showers, the ministers of music stated the month of June would still be the best time for them. Steve Murray stated that they wanted the event to be held on June 10th. Council discussed the matter and expressed their concern that this date may still not provide the relief they were seeking, but agreed to hold the celebration on June 10th this year.
Council reviewed a request from Alex Cusmina at #45 Morgan Road, Lot #7 for a home occupation license to operate a mobile auto repair/home repair & maintenance business. Mr. Cusmina’s business was previously located on Pine Barren Road, but he has moved. Mr. Morgan, the owner of the property, has given his permission for the business to be operated from this location. Council was reminded that they have the option to waive the public hearing requirement and after a brief discussion, Councilman Johnson made said motion. Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes. Councilman Tyler made a motion to approve the issuance of the home occupation license, Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.
Council was advised that the police department had contacted Randy Hackle, who has a home occupation business located at #1436 Pine Barren Road, and was advised he no longer lives there. Mr. Hackle was advised that the license he obtained from council was based on his living this residence and, therefore, he must cease operation of the business from this location. Mr. Hackle has advised council, in writing, that he is in the process of moving his equipment/storage tank and expects to have this completed by March 1, 2001. After a discussion of the matter, Councilman Rawlins made a motion to allow Mr. Hackle until March 1st to have the equipment/storage tank removed. Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier appointed R. Brandon Galloway to serve as a Judge Pro-tem for the Bloomingdale Recorder’s Court for the year 2001.
Council discussed the use of the additional $1600 in occupation revenues received in 2000 over the amount collected in 1999. The Mayor pointed out a public hearing had been held just prior to council meeting and he had suggested using these funds to purchase some new folding tables for the Bloomingdale Community Building. After a brief discussion, Councilman Johnson made a motion to approve the use of these funds for the tables, Councilwoman Key seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier recognized Teresa McGirt, an agent for Coldwell Banker, who was requesting some information on behalf of her client, John Moore. Mr. Moore owns some property at the end of Chestnut Street and is interested in developing the tract into three lots. Ms. McGirt stated that she had received some conflicting information about the development of the property and wanted to meet with council to clear up her questions. Mayor Strozier pointed out that the property was already divided into three lots, however, these lots do not abut an opened street. Mayor Strozier stated that the opened portion of the street stops where the pavement ends. Ms. McGirt asked what would have to be done to open the street. The Mayor stated that the street would need to be improved to City specifications that included dedicated right of way, proper ditching/drainage, and paving. Mr. Moore, the owner of the property, questioned the paving requirement and asked if he were only pursuing one building permit would it still have to be paved. The Mayor advised him that the City’s policy in the past has been to require the paving of extensions of streets that are already paved. Mayor Strozier also pointed out that the extension of Chestnut Street would only cover two of the lots, but the lot on the corner of Boulevard and Poplar Streets would be a problem since neither one of these streets is opened in that area. Mr. Moore stated that, at this time, he was only interested in pursuing the development of Lot #’s 67 & 68. After a lengthy discussion, council agreed to waive the paving requirement for the extension of this portion of Chestnut Street provided the developer met the City’s requirements concerning dedicated right of way and drainage. Councilman Waller made a motion to waive the paving requirement, Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes. Mayor Strozier informed Mr. Moore that the costs related to the extension of the water/sewer service to these lots would be his responsibility. Ms. McGirt asked if they could obtain building permits for the lots on Chestnut Street and the Mayor advised her that once the street was opened to the City’s specifications, as outlined above, and it was approved by council they could pursue building permits.
Council discussed sanitation rates for D.K. Morgan’s Mobile Home Parks for 2001. Mayor Strozier reminded council that there had been an increase in October 2000 of $1.00 in all sanitation rates. Councilman Johnson made a motion to set the sanitation fees for Morgan’s Mobile Home Parks at $12.00 per lot, per month, if paid one year in advance. Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier advised council we had received a request from the Chatham County Groundwater Guardian Team for the appointment of a citizen to serve on this committee. The program is part of the Chatham County Comprehensive Water Supply Management Plan we recently adopted. The program includes distribution of information on water conservation and groundwater protection to the public through speaking engagements, community events and in the schools. A community representative should be willing to attend bi-monthly meetings and to participate in at least one activity that the team agrees to complete for the year. Council agreed with the Mayor’s suggestion we include this information in our next newsletter and ask that someone from our community volunteer for this position.
The Mayor reported that the police department had talked with Larry Thompson of #9 Patrick Street about the placement of a storage building on his property without a permit. Mr. Thompson advised them that the building is part of the estate of his brother, but it had to be moved by January 1st and there was no where else to take it. Mr. Thompson is requesting council give him until February 7th to have the building moved back off of the right of way to meet the setback requirements so he can obtain a permit. After a brief discussion, Councilman Tyler made a motion to give Mr. Thompson until February 7th to obtain the permit, Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.
Mayor Strozier reported the City had been contacted by the family of Evelena Brannen with concerns about the plans for the drainage of Cregor Street if the road is opened. Daniel Moody, Ms. Brannen’s husband, advised the City that the people contacting the family about signing an easement for the road said they are only taking the ditch to the end of their property and stopping. Mr. Moody stated that the water would not drain off if it is not tied into another ditch and wants to make sure they will have to submit information showing the roadway will drain properly. Ms. Brannen’s daughter, who was present at the meeting, confirmed this information and expressed the same concerns. The Mayor assured Ms. Brannen that the City would require this information on the drainage of the roadway before accepting the road.
The Mayor reported that we were still having problems with some leaks in the roof of City Hall and he planned to get with a roofer to see if the problem was with the shingles or the construction.
Council was reminded of the bid opening on surplus vehicles to be held on February 15th.
Mayor Strozier expressed his concern about the extension of the water line on Highway 80 to provide water service to the Church of God of the Prophecy. The Mayor stated that there were some problems with obtaining the necessary easements because of some conflicting information on ownership of some of the property along Highway 80. He pointed out that construction of the church was underway and he was not sure we could provide them the service in a timely manner. The Mayor asked Attorney Gerard if we could obtain the easements based what was recorded at the courthouse and was advised that we could, so he suggested we continue to pursue obtaining these easements.
The Mayor recognized Martin Collins, a resident of Adams Road, who stated he was concerned about the problems occurring in the turn-lane at Hwy 80 and Adams Road. Mr. Collins reported that many times motorists do not move out of the turn-lane until they get to Adams Road and he has witnessed many near collisions. The Mayor stated he understood his concern, but did not see very much relief of the situation until the widening of Hwy 80 is completed.
The Mayor stated that Representative Stephens continues to pursue the City’s request for an increase in our water withdrawal permit. Mayor Strozier reported that he had been contacted by Mr. Caldwell, a representative of EPD, who stated he had been assigned to gather specific information on our request and he is supposed to get back with us soon.
Councilman Waller asked the Mayor about the City’s plans for the clearing of the property recently acquired by the City at Highway 80 and Walnut Street. The Mayor appointed Councilman Waller and Councilman Johnson to a committee to work with him on checking on the best way to clear this property.
The accounts payable were reviewed. Councilman Waller made a motion to pay the bills, Councilman Rawlins seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.
Being no further business, Councilman Johnson made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Tuten seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Jones, City Clerk