Called Council Meeting

February 28, 2007





Mayor Tipton called the meeting to order.


The Mayor reported that the meeting had been called by Council members Strozier and Winn for the purpose of discussing personnel issues.


A general discussion was held regarding the need for the Mayor and council members to work as a team in handling all issues related to the operation of the City.  Each council member was given an opportunity to share their feelings, concerns, and comments about some of the discord that has been apparent in several meetings and in their dealings with each other.  Although it was recognized that everyone would not always agree on every issue, members expressed the importance of getting along and conducting themselves in a professional manner when dealing with each other and members of the staff.  It was noted that in council or committee meetings, workshops, or other meetings, the Mayor and Council should welcome information or comments from members of staff since they are involved in the day to day operation of the City and their experience and knowledge were critical to the decision making process.  Several members expressed their concerns that a divided council would merely stymie our progress and that each one of them had an obligation to do what was the best for the City as a whole.  The Mayor expressed his appreciation to everyone for their comments and stated that he felt this meeting was a step in the right direction toward making Bloomingdale a better place to live. 


Being no further comments or discussion, Councilman Myrick made a motion to adjourn at 7:40pm.  Councilman Ray seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Mayor Tipton and all councilmembers were present at the meeting.