March 28, 2002





Mayor Rozier called the meeting to order with Councilman Mike Ray leading in prayer.


Mayor Rozier stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss personnel matters and asked that council adjourn into executive session.  Councilman Tyler made a motion to adjourn into executive session with Councilman Johnson seconding the motion.  It passed with six affirmative votes.


After conclusion of the executive session, Councilman Waller made a motion to return to the general session of the council meeting.  Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Mayor Rozier reported that the only matters discussed during the executive session related to personnel matters and no action was taken in said session.


The Mayor stated that due to some complaints about the Bloomingdale Police Department and questions that had been raised about its operation, the council has discussed contracting with the University of South Carolina to conduct an evaluation of the police department.  This agency will do a full investigation of the current operation and outline their findings along with recommendations on ways to improve the department and the steps the City would need to take to achieve this goal.  Mayor Rozier stated that the University of South Carolina would conduct this evaluation at a cost of $5500.  Councilman Myrick made a motion to enter into a contract with the University of South Carolina to conduct said evaluation at a cost of $5500.  Councilman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.  Council discussed the need to include in their recommendations the additional manpower that would be needed should the City annex any additional areas and Mayor Rozier stated that this may be more expensive than their original quote of $5500.  After additional discussion, Councilman Ray made a motion to approve the execution of a contract with the University of South Carolina for up to $6500 to include information in their report and provide their recommendations regarding manpower that would be needed for the areas proposed for annexation.  Councilman Wedincamp seconded the motion and it passed with six affirmative votes.


Being no further discussion, Councilman Ray made a motion to adjourn.  Councilman Tyler seconded the motion and passed with six affirmative votes.



All members of council were present at the meeting.